[Chapter 10]

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"Dear Diary, Today I went down stairs to eat breakfast with my new friends! We talked about all sorts of things!" Yeah no, I don't fuck with that book thing. I sit in the car staring out the window listening to the advertisements on the radio as they advertise school supplies, Diaries etc. If it wasn't obvious. Imagine having a breakdown and writing it in your diary. The awkwardness of having t re-read that weird page.. Imagine. "Dear Diary, Today Emily Betrayed me! She made out with my boyfriend! What kinda Bestfriend does that??" "Dear Diary, Emily Apologized to me! She's such a sweetheart! #Besties forever!" I start to laugh at my thoughts before Zaiden gets back in the car shaking his head to get the water from the rain off. 'Why are you smiling like you want to murder someone and planned everything out already??' 'Because- How would you know what that kinda smile looks like?' 'Cause I wear it way too often.' Zaiden starts the car and I roll my eyes. I was making internal jokes about the advertisements on the radio.' 'You realize.. I have CD's and stuff so you don't have to listen to that right??' 'I do, I just like listening to the drama everyday at 3.' 'What are you talking about?' I look at my watch before changing the channel and after about 5 minutes somebody comes on the radio. 'Alright Listeners, We left off last on Emily's  Diary. Let's continue with a short recap. "Dear Diary, Me and Stacey have already bought everything and planned everything out. Me and Markus will go on a date, Then at the end me and Markus will make out before I lead him to my special spot in the garden while Stacey Jumps him and kills him with the disposable knife. It's perfect.. Nobody will know. I told him to come alone. Wish me luck.. Oh Also we're making smores tonight! Exciting right?" End Diary chapter. Emily makes her way over to the door of the house opening it as Markus enters unaware of what is about to happen. Emily leads him upstairs for a few games before Emily excuses herself to the bathroom. Markus' Attention gets peaked by a pink sparkly book beside Emily's bed. 'Maybe Emily won't mind.. I just want to know how she truly feels about me..' He thinks grabbing the book and paging through the pages. "Dear Diary." He reads. "Today I saw Amber Kissing Markus. I have to get revenge! But how..??" Markus Laughs paging through the book further to the latest entry. "Dear Diary," He reads further. As his eyes glaze over the harsh words realizing Emily's plans, He realizes Emily is staring at him from the bathroom and he jumps. "Em.. Emily.." He manages to stutter through his fearful words. "I'm sorry Markus.. But I can't kill Amber.. I'd be the first suspect. You on the other hand.. A jealous lust.. Amber kills Markus. Posted all over the news.. It'll be glorious..' The radio starts to become background noise for a moment as I look up noticing Zaiden's attention being peaked and I just smile as I continue listening while we drive all the way out of the city to a small-ish house not too far away. When we get there, we head outside of the car and over to the house knocking on the door. 'I'm on my way!! Just a moment!!' 'You're.. Sure this is the right house?' 'Yep.' I look around glancing at the decorations of the house With Zaiden before we notice two of the light up deer for christmas still stacked on the lawn, placed in a very.. Suspicious way. Me and Zaiden share a look before laughing at the humping deer statues as the door quickly swings open and a woman with long curley black hair and blue eyes looks us up and down. 'And who are you?? If you're going to bring up those little religious door to door talks all the way out here, I will throw you with a dingo, I swear. You're the reason I moved out here in the first place-' 'I-' Suddenly I hear a dog Barking and a Doberman runs over to the door before the Lady grabs the dog by the collar. 'Excuse her.. She's just a bit anxious.. People y'know? Isn't that right Cupcake?' She bends down kissing and hugging the Barking and growling dog like it was a baby. Terrifying.. 'Now what do you boys want? Spit it out, I'm a busy woman. Go on!' 'Uhm, M-My name is Ash and uh-' 'If this is about girl scout cookies-' 'N-No! No.. Uhm. Apparently you're my grandmother..?' 'Hunny my son never had any children. You must be sorely mistaken. His wife suffered two miscarriages and one was a girl so-' 'What..? No uhm.. Alex.. Stone..' 'Alex.. Stone.. Is that your..' 'My dad.. Yes..' 'Sweetheart.. Uhm.. Please.. come inside..' She moves slightly out of the way and me and Zaiden walk inside. 'Aren't you that Model.. Both of you. Ash stone. The one with the bad reputation and Zaiden the most popular and Sexy if I might add, Model.' She walks back over putting down a massive plate of cookies and two cups of coffee. I grab a few cookies almost instantly and they're the freaking best cookies I've ever had! I hear my grandmother laughing before she looks at Zaiden. 'I hope you aren't dating him hun.' 'Wh- Why not..?' I pull my ears done Making Zaiden stare before I correct myself. 'UH- I mean we're NOT dating.. But uhm.. Y'know why- Why would it uhm.. be a problem..?' 'You can call me Angel. And I'm just saying, if he dates you, You aren't going to have any cookies left in your house.' She laughs again making me smile before she walks over messing up my hair. 'You're my grandkid..' 'Yeah..' 'I'm so sorry.. I'm just trying to process this information.. My son told me- Your father, Told me he had 2 miscarriages and so they stopped trying for children..' 'No.. No no. Me and my sister-' 'You have a sister..? He lied to me..?' 'Apparently.. I'm really sorry..' 'No sweetheart don't apologize, It had nothing to do with you.. What's your sister's name..?' 'Andrea.' 'Andrea.. What a sweet name.. Just like your father to name you so beautifully and treat it so cruelly..' 'Do you.., stay in contact with him...?' 'No.. Not anymore.. Your father cut contact with me after he had the two miscarriages.. Said he blamed it on my witchcraft.' 'Witchcraft-?' 'That's what he calls it- Irene!' a woman comes running downstairs, Blond hair and green eyes similar to mine. 'Yes Angel?' 'Come meet Ash, He's our grandson..' 'We have a grandson!?' The woman comes jogging over staring at me then back at Angel. 'He looks like you..' 'and he has your eyes.' 'He looks exactly like his father..' 'Ash, This is Cherry, your other grandmother.' 'Wait.. but if my dad was raised by.. lesbians then why is he so against it..??' 'I don't know myself..' Angel continues. 'He just.. Always hated me and Cherry.. Said we were disgraceful and made so many comments.. I could never understand.. And I'm not lebian sweetheart we're both bi.' 'That's where you get it from.' Zaiden jokes before Cherry replies. 'Is that your boyfriend Ash??' I start to turn red hiding my face. 'No he's.. No he's not.' 'Oh pitty.. Andrea is it just me or does Zaiden look just like that really hot model with all the tattoos and the-' 'Cherry sweetheart that's because it is him.' 'Wait.. Andrea..?' 'Oh yes, that's my real name but everyone calls me angel.' 'Because somehow you find the best in everyone.' Cherry points down at the doberman laying on Andrea's lap getting belly scratches. 'What?? He's just a big teddy bear.' 'You named him cupcake.' It wasn't until now I noticed the blonde girl's heavy Pasartish [Basically Irish ] accent. 'Cherry.. are you..Pasartian?' 'Yes actually! It's how I met Andrea, she came to visit Pasart and we met, we just kinda clicked.' 'Was Alex biologically both of yours?' 'Yes but he picked up more of Andrea than myself.' 'Yep.. until he grew into the person he is now..' 'I'm sorry..' 'Good heavens what for?? You did nothing wrong..' 'I uhm..' I awkwardly laugh. 'I dunno..' 'Please.. tell us what your life's been like.. we want to know more about ya sweetheart..' I sigh before telling them about everything. And I mean nearly.. everything. Except of course just the stripper thing but.. I did have a reasoning. The whole time the two are listening carefully and making comments about my father as they realize how awful he's really become. 'Sweet heart...That's awful... and yet look at how far you've come.. You're wuch a strong fighter.. Just like your momma was..' 'Did you know my mom well..?' 'Yes very! Saw her as our own daughter.. Strong, intelegant, brave, fierce.. She finally decided to try and she got proven to be alpha worthy, but of course, your father wasn't happy about it. We heard about the murder not long after.. I couldn't stop crying for how many nights on end... I couldn't believe she was gone..' Andrea continues and I notice her crying so I go over hugging her. 'You poor baby.. Having to see and go through all that.. If I had only known..' She oulls me in hugging me before Cherry joins in and drags Zaiden in with her. 'If you ever need us we'll be right here for you baby.. Tell your sister too, We'd love to meet her..' I nod before the both look over at Zaiden who's sitting back down grabbing a cookie. 'What about him??' 'What about uim..?' I repeat as Cherry looks him up and down. 'Handsome, Strong. Sexy voice as well. Judging by his eyes a lot of pain and struggle. You're a fighter, Aren't you Zaiden?' 'I-..' 'I can tell. You hide behind your eyes but.. You just want to be loved, don't you..?' Zaiden sits back pulling his ears down. 'You'll get the love you're looking for don't worry.' 'Cherry.. how do you know that..?' 'She's good at reading faces.. Your faces change based on the expressions you make the most.. Cherry learned how to spot them.' 'Do me next!' I smile as cherry looks at me. 'Hapoy in general but not often as of recently. Mostly just pain and stress. Though you have a joyful soul..' 'You really.. can read people's souls by their faces..?' 'I'll teach you. For now..' she looks back over at Zaiden. Take care of him will ya? We just met him, and we'd hate to lose him.'

Zaiden nods and we head back over to the car after greeting them at the door. I wish I could've met them sooner.. what if I did meet them sooner? Would my life have been different in anyway..? I dunno.. All I know is that I'm glad I did meet them.. I'm glad I met my grandparents at last.. I guess.. My father just didn't like anything gay.. maybe it was social pressure or.. maybe he just thought it was gross... but there's no way he was raised that way...

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