[Chapter 19]

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I sit up rubbing my eyes and groaning before Zaiden leans over wrapping an arm over my legs. 'Don't leave..' 'I'm not leaving.. Everything just fucking hurts..' 'Well.. Yeah that's the aftermath of it..' 'Fuck you..' 'You already did.' Zaiden laughs as he sits up rubbing his eyes as he checks the time. "8:47" 'Aw shit.. They're definitely going to know now.' 'And?' 'I-.. You've gained way more confidence than before Achilles died-' 'I know because now I have trust in myself that I can protect you.' '.. Makes sense. Well.. maybe not today.' Zaiden laughs again and I hit him with a pillow as he grabs me to tickle me. 'Ah! ZAIDEN!' 'What??' 'Zaiden you asshole! You know I hate tickling!' 'Oh do I??' Suddenly the door opens and we both Pull the blanket over us since we get startled before remembering we're on a loft bed so they probably can't see us anyway. I just lay back down sighing and staying quiet. 'Daddy! You're up late today!' 'Uh, Malikai wait down there okay?' 'Okay.' Zaiden leans back over to me before grabbing his pants and kissing me, climbing down the loft as he heads off with Malikai. I sigh before getting up and getting dressed and getting out of bed With a lot of struggle and heading to the kitchen using the walls as a crutch. I finally get to the kitchen and notice everybody staring so I just stare back at them. 'Yeah, It happened, No shut the fuck up.' I walk over to the fridge and grab a piece of chocolate someone left in the fridge before I hear Clide protesting. 'Oi! That's my chocolate!' Zaiden walks up behind me. 'Let him have it, He had a rough night.' 'Exactly.' I poke my tongue out at Clide. 'I wonder who's fault that is-' Freya Comments and everyone starts staring at Zaiden. 'Shut the fuck up, Stay outta it Freya.' 'Can I move your stuff to Zaiden's room??' Andrea perks up and stares at me with an excited tail wag. 'Andrea-!' 'What?! You're happy finally! Just stay with him already!' 'Yeah, I think that's a good Idea too-' Tanner comments before Noah falls in. 'Tannar, stay outta this you have a baby.' 'His name is Oliver, And for your information, It's not mine and mike's Biological kid. Even though I can have biological kids..' 'Exactly shush.' 'Why should he shush? I can have kids too-' 'Wait what!?' everyone starts staring at me again. Lizzy suddenly perks up. 'Ohh! Wait yeah I can see it.' 'See it??' 'Yeah, We learnt how to tell in Biology, Like how I know Freya is a special circumstances.' 'Exactly.' I nod in. 'I have a more feminine body type, I'll admit it since I know it, and Freya has more masculine body types.' 'Damn..' I nod eating the last bit of chocolate. Zaiden suddenly perks up. 'Uhm.. Ash you do have.. something for in case right?' 'I-.. No I didn't think I'd ever do anything..' 'Shit..Tannar do you have anything?' 'Nope.. I don't..' 'Andrea? Liz?' They all shake their heads before a red-head pops his head into the room from the stairs with Calum. 'I have something.' 'Oh Hi!' I greet the strange person walking with Calum before they both quickly look over to Clide. 'Calum. You better explain.' 'I- Okay hear me out, Firstly, Meet Neo. Secondly, Uhm.. We just cuddle..' 'First off, I know Neo, He was in the high school lacrosse team, and secondly, it's fine if you just.. cuddled..' 'Look who's talking.' Neo walks over handing me a small box and walking off back over to Calum. I shove the box in my pocket as the group starts arguing before grabbing a glass and drinking one of the pills. Zaiden walks up from behind me hugging me and I notice his tail wagging since it's making a light breeze. 'You happy?' 'Mhm.' 'Good, I'm about to ruin your happiness.' 'What- Why?' Zaiden stares at me confused and worried. 'My grandmothers want to cuss you out.' I start laughing As zaiden sighs. 'Why???' 'I dunno, Ask them.' Zaiden sighs again before walking off to go get dressed and I follow after him. 

When we're both dressed we head to the car and Zaiden drives us to my grandmothers' house  as I'm just having a party for myself to the radio. When we finally reach my Grandmothers' House I get out with Zaiden knocking on the door before I hear Cupcake barking at the door and Angel opens the door. 'Ash!! Baby!' She walks over hugging me so I can barely breathe. 'I- Hi Gramma..' She puts me down and turns her attention over to Zaiden giving him a death glare. 'You, Come here, Come in, Straight to the couch young man.' 'Grandma, He's not straight that's hard-' 'You shush and follow after him.' 'Damn it..' I follow Zaiden to the couch and we sit down slightly cuddling, as Angel walks in and sits down on the Couch with Cherry following shortly after and they both sit down staring at us. 'I had a feeling.. Did you two get together??' 'I- Get- Oh shit right- Yeah we're uh.. dating now..' 'Mhm, And you slept together didn't you??' 'I- How the-' 'You're marked..' Zaiden leans over whispering to me and I start to feel my face get warm again. Fuck I forgot. 'I knew I had to call you in,' 'I told you he was walking funny when he got here-' 'Cherry shush, You notice small details I don't.' 'Anyway back to the matter at hand.' Cherry stops looking back at us. 'Zaiden, I just wanted you to know. I have very high up connections. I know you're the son of someone on the council, And if you hurt my baby grandson, I promise you, I will have someone do something horrible to you.' 'I-.. Okay-?' 'Also, Can I see your tattoos?' 'I-.. Uhm..' 'Take the short off.' 'Are you going to read me again??' 'I'm a lesbian, just stand up and take the shirt off so I can see.' Zaiden sighs messing up my hair before taking his shirt off. and Cherry starts pacing around him, checking every tattoo and every inch of his arms. 'What are you getting Cherry?' 'Hm, He's a good match for our baby. Perfect actually. Mates, Marked.. Angel.. Fallen I'm..' Cherry stops while staring at something before walking back over to Angel. 'Zaiden put your damn shirt back on, this is a house, not a strip club.' 'I- You told me to-' 'Zade don't argue love..' Zaiden sighs sitting back down after putting his shirt back on. 'I didn't say sit I said shirt back on.' Zaiden stands back up crossing his arms. Cherry walks back over poking a spot on Zaiden's back and Leaning into his ear whispering something making Zaiden freeze and turn to her. 'So it is true..' 'I- Yes but-' 'Ah- No not another word. You're my favorite you better not fuck this up.' 'I-.. I don't plan to luckily..' Zaiden sits back down slowly and Cherry stares at him pointing to me. 'What?' Cherry points again and I sigh. 'She wants you to tell me.' 'I-.. Uhm.. Fine.. You know the whole angel thing?' 'Yeah?' 'Well uh.. I'm actually what's called Karma..' 'Karma??' 'Malikai is the same but, he's not biological.' 'Who's Malikai?' 'My adopted son,' Zaiden lifts his head looking over at Cherry. 'I knew it! I could tell, I just wasn't sure if you had a biological son or not.' 'Well now you know-' 'Wait, If Malikai isn't your Biological son, How are both of you Karma?' 'I dunno.. I just.. found him one day and I realized he's similar to me so I just kinda.. Took him in as he would need someone who's Karma too to look after him.' 'Oh my brain is broken.' Zaiden shrugs hugging me and I just hug him. 'You got everything off your chest now? Because if there is anything else you're hiding-' 'Well, No not really, I think that's basically everything. I'll tell you if there's anything I remember.' 'Wait..' Angel stops us. 'We have a great grandbaby we haven't met yet??' 'You're going to have 2 soon..' 'You're pregnant??' 'No! No.. I hope not.. Andrea is.' 'Oh my goodness! Now we want to meet her even more!' 'I know.. She's just been having.. a week.' 'That's fine just send her over. And Malikai too.'  Zaiden sighs. 'Y'know what, How soon do you guys want to meet Malikai?' 'Why do you ask?' 'Because if you'd like you can meet him right now.' Angel starts freaking out as Zaiden smiles calling Lizzy first. 'Hey Pip, Could you quickly put Malikai on the phone real quick?' 'Thanks,' 'Hey bud, I just wanted to know if you want to meet your great grandparents.' 'Just, before you teleport, Hand Aunty Lizzy her phone back.' Zaiden hangs up and Malikai appears in front of us making me Jump. 'Oh my gods..I gotta get used to that-' 'Yep! Hi Daddy!' Malikai walks over to Zaiden hugging him before reaching over to me for a hug and I take him into a hug. 'Meet Grandma Angel and Grandma Cherry.' Malikai Gasps looking over at them. 'Hi!!' Malikai jumps over to the two wagging his tail as Angel hugs him picking him up. 'Hi sweetie.. Oh I'm going to spoil this one rotten.' 'We're spoiling all of the kids rotten be honest Love.' 'True.' My grandmothers mess with Malikai for most of the rest of the Day before we head home and I play with Malikai in the back seat the whole way home. When we get home Malikai is worn out and I carry him back to his bed tucking him in and heading back over to Zaiden hugging him. 'We're getting a lock for your door.' Zaiden laughs Ruffling my hair before he leans over to make food and I just sit on the counter staring at him. 'Is.. everything okay?' 'Yeah, I'm just daydreaming.' 'About me??' 'Yeah.' 'I- You should not say that out loud.' 'Why not..?' 'Because you might give me Ideas.' 'I-.. Not tonight, I'm still sore.' Zaiden laughs before handing me a half of his sandwich putting his in his mouth and he picks me up. 'Ah! Zaiden!' 'What?? You said you were sore.' 'I-..' I pull my ears down and lean down with my head on his shoulder and he carries me back to his bed before laying down and cuddling me while I finish eating. After a little while I lean over to steal a book I hid in his room earlier and start reading while I try to tire myself out. After a good while I notice Zaiden shuffling, which is weird so I place a hand on his head. 'Zade..?' I notice he's sweating and I put the book down shaking him lightly to try and wake him and he Jolts upright grabbing at his chest trying to catch his breath. 'Zade.. Are you okay..?' 'I-I-.. Yeah.. I'm.. Just.. It was just a nightmare..' Zaiden pinches his eyes shut and I crawl over to him hugging him, as he hugs me back. 'Sorry, I didn't know if I should wake you or not..' 'No no.. It's okay.. It's good you woke my I guess.' Zaiden seems to calm down quite quickly while hugging me and he lays back down with me cuddling on top of him this time. 'You prefer me to be on top-?' 'Ash! It's like 3 am will you not??' I laugh kissing him and hugging him. 'I'm just trying to make you forget about the nightmare.' 'It worked.' 'Good. Then it won't come back again tonight.' 'How sure are you?' 'I always had nightmares, usually repeatedly unless I stopped to grab a book and read or something.' '.. You had nightmares..?' 'Obviously-' 'Oh-! Fuck I forgot..' Zaiden's ears suddenly perk up and he sits up. I move away letting him get up. 'Where are you..?' 'Malikai.' Zaiden rushes off and I sit back against the wall grabbing the book and continuing reading while waiting for Zaiden. After a good while Zaiden comes back but stays on the ground staring up at me. 'You uh.. want to go watch princess and the frog?' 'Sure- It's 3 am though-' 'Every time Malikai has a nightmare I put it on. It's his comfort movie.' 'Oh! Oh, Nah you and Malikai have fun then. Just make sure to cover yourself with a blanket.' 'Yeah yeah.' Zaiden walks off and closes the door. He's a really good dad..

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