[Chapter 15]

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'So did you find your answer??' Andrea stares at me sitting on the bed from the doctor's office as I'm doing research on something. 'Shut up..' 'You haven't been talking since we got here!' 'Because I'm doing research.' 'No you're stalking a dead person-' 'A possibly dead person.' 'For fuck's sake Ash-!' 'And what if she IS alive Andrea? Then what? She would know about everything!' 'If she does we're going to be fine, Have you seen the difference between our house and Zaiden's?' 'Andrea.. If she got in once-!' 'She won't get in again!' 'Shut up.' 'What-' 'No no no! Shut up..' I move over to Andrea showing her a video I found. 'You hacked the fucking Cameras from the street cameras!?' 'It wasn't that hard-' 'I know it isn't, you taught me, That's not the point!' 'Just watch!' Andrea sighs before staring at the screen before I notice her ears fall back. 'She's.. She's alive..?' Andrea Manages before I notice her eyes slowly well up with tears. 'I'm sorry Andrea.. But now we know at least-' 'Shut up.. I'm thinking..' I sigh and stare at her. I lean over hugging her before she hugs me back and starts sobbing into my shoulder. 'I told you she was bad news..' 'Shut up..' The door opens as the doctor comes back putting up Andrea's X-rays. 'Alrighty, So only 4 fractures, but you will need to rest your hand since we can't put a cast on it.' 'Okay..' 'Alright,' We finish everything up before I drive Andrea home Since Mike left with Noah earlier. Andrea is quiet the entire car ride which is really unlike her.. It makes sense though I suppose. When we get home Andrea immediately goes to cling to Freya which seems to surprise her. 'Woah- You just got shot by someone why are you clinging to me and crying- The fuck happened-??' 'She just.. Found out someone she used to care a lot about is Alive..' 'Shouldn't that be.. a good thing?' 'Usually yes, but uhm.. The person faked their death..' 'Okay wait hold on. So, You're saying someone faked their death now they just randomly show up out of nowhere??' 'Basically.' I hear a phone start to ring as Andrea Pulls her phone out before looking at me and speaking in our language again looking scared. 'What!?' I walk over grabbing her phone and it's her Ex's number. I pick it up. 'I swear to the heavens if you-!' 'Ash, I was expecting Andrea to answer.' 'ell you called her phone so no shit. But you're fucking supposed to be dead Ria!' 'Oh, Right about that, I kinda had to kill myself-' 'Excuse you?? What the fuck would need you to kill yourself??' 'Well, I kinda owed some guy money-' 'Then you ask! You don't fucking disappear off the face of the planet!' 'Ash, I literally work as an actress, What did you expect- Oh well I used to work as an Actress.' 'You broke Andrea's Heart!!' This seems to peak Freya's interest. 'I didn't mean to but she should've known what she was getting herself into.' 'Ria!' 'Oh Ash.. You really gotta stop doing that.' 'Doing what??' 'Putting so little faith in me.' 'You Shot Andrea!' 'Not on purpose-' 'How was it not on purpose!?' 'She was pinning me to a wall and I just accidentally pulled the trigger.' 'Why do you even have a gun then!?' 'Let me in so I can explain.' I growl before sighing. 'Fine, But don't fucking try anything, You know who's house this is.' 'I do actually.' I sigh before hanging up and going to let her in. When I walk out stood in front of the gate is a black haired, Green eyed girl and I can't help but stare as she waves at me smiling. 'You have a lot of fucking Nerve Ria.' I open the gate for her as she walks inside trying to hug me but I pin her arm behind her back leading her inside. 'Ow, That hurts.' 'I know it's supposed to.' We eventually get inside and Andrea stares before hugging Freya. I let her go as I stare at her. 'Explain.' Freya stares at her putting a protective arm around Andrea. 'Andrea.. You look even better than when I left..' Ria looks at Andrea looking almost like she regrets what she did. 'You're lucky.. Andrea is an amazing person.' Ria turns staring at Freya before turning back to me. 'I had to disappear. If I didn't I would've been dead for real.' 'And why the fuck were you in that deal in the first place!?' 'That's what happens when you piss off mafia..' Noah mumbles from behind and I turn only now noticing him staring. 'How would you know?' 'Because Only Mafia would kill someone because they owe them money.' 'Noah speaks truth-' 'You have debt, with MAFIA!?' 'Yes! Obviously, How do you think I met Andrea? She was my target-' 'What!?' 'I was working for them. Someone would pay me, I'd kill someone, and I'd pay that money to my Gang. But I ran out of luck with Andrea since I kinda fell for her-' 'Ria.' Zaiden walks over leaning on the kitchen counter staring at her. 'Zaiden.. Been a while.' 'I thought you died.' 'I learned from the best.' Ria crosses her arms staring at Zaiden. 'What are you talking about now!?' 'Zaiden is-' 'Ria.' 'Sorry- Can't tell you that one-' I look over at Zaiden pulling my ears down and he sighs looking away. 'Ria. You explained yourself now why are you here!?' 'Just.. wanted Andrea to know not to go to my empty grave anymore.. It's kinda pointless. Just happy you moved on.' Ria suddenly walks over to Zaiden handing him a bag. 'Give that to Hades will ya?' 'Sure..' 'And tell him I quit.' 'I think that'd be obvious-' 'Yep.' 'Ria why did you have the gun!?' 'Ash, You are so fucking smart.. Why does it take you so long to realize that if anybody tried to break into a bunch of Alphas' house they'd need protection!' 'I-.. For what!? You'd just get killed faster!' 'Maybe you would.' Ria walks off and out of the door without saying another word. I stare back at Zaiden. 'How the fuck do you know her!?' 'Ash..' 'Don't make up a fucking excuse! Explain!' 'Welp. You got caught. Well technically both of us.' I cross my arms staring at them. 'Ash don't do that-' 'Do what?' 'That stare, I hate it.' 'And I hate that you're keeping that from me. Guess we're even.' Zaiden sighs before pulling up his sleeve and pointing to a tattoo. '10 points if you can guess.' I stare at the tattoo before I stare back up at him. 'You're in the mafia aren't you..?' 'Well.. Not in the mafia but..' 'But?' 'There's.. Involvement..' I pin my ears back before turning and walking off. 'Ash-' I ignore him as I head to my room and lock myself inside locking the door. I slide down leaning against the door and sliding down the the floor. Why wouldn't he tell me..? What if he dies and I just have to live with it Like Andrea had to?? I hear a knocking at the door after a while. 'Ash.. Please open the door..' Zaiden pleads but I ignore him hoping he'll go away. 'Can you just let me explain why I kept it from you..?' I turn my head to the side and sigh before getting up and unlocking the door before walking back over to my bed and sitting down hugging a pillow. Zaiden walks in shutting the door and walking over to me. 'I uhm..' 'You're not allowed on the bed! It's my bubble.' 'Alright.' Zaiden Steps back from the bed a bit and clears his throat. 'Ash.. I keep it from people to keep them safe... Not even my dad knows.. And he was a part of it but.. that was a long time ago.' 'What if you just disappear some day!? What if I never see you again for some reason?? I won't be able to just move on!' 'I know I know that.. It's just.. I don't get hurt very easily.. Well hurt yeah but I don't disappear.' 'And why are you so sure!?' Zaiden starts walking over to the bed sitting down on it and moving closer. 'Bubble Zaiden!' 'Just trust me.' Zaiden sits closer to me before pulling his sleeve up so I can get a closer look at the tattoo. 'What?' 'You know what that is? You did pay attention in history didn't you?' 'Of course I did that's Anubis-' I think for a second before realizing. I look up at him. 'You're Anubis??' 'So you do watch the news too?' 'Obviously, I listen to drama radio.' 'Fair, But why did you think the house is so protected? It's not because of the whole celebrity or Alpha thing.' 'Wait.. But then waht about Noah..?' 'Oh, Uhm, Noah's dad is Hades.' 'The.. Mafia leader..?' 'Exactly- You know a lot more than I was expecting-' 'I just heard a lot..' 'Do you understand why I kept it from you?' 'I understand.. I just don't like it!' Zaiden sighs before taking my hand and kissing it. 'Don't act all lovey dovey!' 'Why? Is it working?' 'Yes! Go away!' 'Nah.' Zaiden grabs me and Tickles me and I try to wiggle away from him. 'Zaiden!' 'What??' 'Let go! I hate tickles!' 'Too bad, I love them!' 'Zaiden!' After a while he finally stops to let me breathe and I stare up at him while laying on his lap. 'If you swear to me you'll be safe I'll try and look past it..' 'I don't plan on staying anyway..' 'Promise?' 'Yeah, I promise.' 'You gotta make it up to me though!' 'Fine, What do you want? Ice cream? a date? a bike?' 'I- Why a bike??' 'I dunno, I just guessed.' 'Terrible guess, I hate bikes.' 'I have a bike.' 'You can take me for a ride some day but I will never drive one.' 'Alright.' 'That's not what you owe me though.' 'Then what do I owe you?' 'I want you to talk to me.' 'Tal to you? Am I not talking right now?' 'Zaiden!' I sit up staring at him. 'I want you to.. talk to me.. About your past..' 'I.. Uhm.. I dunno.' 'Zaiden please.. It doesn't have to be right now but you have to.. for me.. Please?' Zaiden sighs staring at me as he leans over kissing my head. 'Alright.. Can we do it tomorrow?' 'If you feel you can tomorrow.' Zaiden nods before ruffling my hair and walking off. 'Where are you going?' 'I just assumed you'd want time-' 'Shut the fuck up and get your ass over here.' 'You are so confusing.' Zaiden walks back before tackling me down in a hug to make me lay down while Zaiden lays on my chest and I mess with his hair. 'Can I.. Ask something..?' 'Mhm. Go for it.' 'What would you do if..' I go quiet making Zaiden look up at me. 'If?' 'hat would you do if I disappeared?' 'I'd come looking for you.' 'I mean.. If I.. Disappeared...' 'What are you talking about? You're not going to disappear.' 'Zaiden.. What if.. What if you didn't show up on time to save me from Nate.. Or my dad? Or what if you couldn't fine me in the forest while I was having a break down..?' 'Did I find you?? Was I on time??' 'Well yes but-' 'Exactly. So shut up. Nothing will happen to you and I'm going to make sure of it.' 'Zaiden... A year ago I was sitting with a gun in my hand. pointed at myself.. I was a coward to do it but since everything with Nate..' 'Ash, Look at me.' Zaiden sits up holding my face in his hands. 'I'm here to watch over you. No matter the situation. Okay??' I nod before looking over at my bedside drawer and Zaiden follows my Gaze. 'Ash.. Please tell me if I open that drawer I won't find a gun..' 'I uhm..' I pull my ears back again. 'Okay first off where the fuck are you finding all these guns..? Second off,' Zaiden reaches over opening the drawer before staring at it and looking back over at me. 'I-.. You cannot be serious..' 'I didn't say it was a gun..' 'Ash I swear to the heavens..' 'Don't swear. I lost my only gun to Nate. I needed something for peace of mind or a plan C.' 'What was plan A and B then?' 'Run to you is plan A.. Plan B is to uhm..' I hold up a gun shaped hand to my head and make a gun sound effect as Zaiden sighs grabbing the rope out of my drawer and walking off with it. 'Oi! No! Bring that back-!' 'No! I am going to check your room every week from now on! Be sure I don't miss ANYTHING!' Zaiden walks off and I lay back down staring at the ceiling. Zaiden eventually comes back and Lays back down on my chest. 'I am not going to let anything happen to you.. Especially if it happens like that..' 'What on earth even caused you to follow me home?? You didn't even know me.. All you knew is that my cat got hurt..' 'Ash, Your cat got kicked and you were shaking and jumpy as fuck.. Not to mention your neck..' 'But.. I was just a random person.. You could've just continued on with your life-' 'Ash.' Zaiden takes my arm lifting it up and taking his next to mine before I notice a mark on both of them. 'Wait.. We're..' 'We're mates. How did you not realize..??' 'I don't know.. I don't usually look at myself in mirrors..' Zaiden hugs my stomach tighter while his head is still on my chest. 'You're mine got it?' 'Geez okay Yandere.' 'I'm not a yandere.' 'You are SO a Yandere.' 'Do you even know what a Yandere is ??' 'Someone who kills people to make sure their crush stays theirs. Even though they won't admit their love directly.' 'See? Not a Yandere.' 'I-.. Okay fine, Is obsessive crazy person better?' 'Ohkay why the nicknames??' 'I'm still mad at you for taking my noose-' 'Oh get over it.' 'Zade, Why do depressed people give the best head-?' 'Oh my gods do not.' 'Because we don't care about breathing.' 'Fuck off!' Zaiden sits up dragging me underneath him before kissing me to shut me up. 'Okay okay! Fine I'll stop.' 'You're sick y'know.' 'Well no shit.' 'I hope you know you're not the only one.' 'I realized when you showed me your scars.' I hold my hand out putting it against his arms. 'No, Those are from panic attacks..' 'I know.. But I'm just using it as an example.. Anxiety is usually followed by depression.' I reach up cupping Zaiden's face in me hands and he sighs leaning back down nuzzling his face in my neck. 'Stop! That tickles asshole!' 'You're just way too ticklish!' 'Am not!' 

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