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I knew that since Micah and I had the same major then I would have the same class as him eventually. I just didn't know he was in my big divisional freshman marketing class until I walked out of class late one day.

"What are you doing here?" Micah sounded genuinely surprised. "Did you just switch to this section?"

I shook my head. "No, I've been here since the first day. Did you just switch to this section?"

"No." he responded. "Where do you sit?"

I pointed to the front of the big lecture room towards the right. "Over there. I'm guessing that you sit back here?"

"I do. How are you studying for the exam?" Micah leaned against the desk.

We had a huge exam on Friday and I didn't even know where to start with studying. I was just going to cram on Thursday until he said something.

"I have no idea." I responded honestly. "No parties for me until I start studying."

"You wanna go to the library and make a study outline? Or we can go to Starbucks." Micah suggested.

I just looked at him. "You aren't flirting with me, right?"

"Not yet." he responded.

I nodded my head. "Cool. Starbucks then."

"Let's go." he picked up his bookbag. 

We started walking to the Starbucks on campus and it was such a nice day outside.

"When is your birthday?" I tried to make conversation. 

Mich chuckled and hit my arm gently. "You are not one of those kinds of girls, are you? With the astrology and stuff."

"Oh please, you know it is fun. Just answer my question." I requested.

"May thirty-first, I'm a Gemini." Micah responded. 

I did a fake overdramatic gasp. "Micah Coleman! Are you younger than me?"

"Am I? When is your birthday, Rowan?" he asked me.

I looked over at him. "January 20th. I'm an Aquarius."

"You are a few whole months older than me." Micah admitted. "I guess you could say. that you're a cougar."

"Oh please." I rolled my eyes. 

"What is your major and minor again?" he asked me.

"I'm a marketing major with a double minor in economics and real estate," I answered his question.

Micah was grinning. "There is no way that we have the same major and minors. How did you decide on that?" 

"My dad double majored in marketing and finance,  he owns a lot of businesses, and I really look up to him. Plus both of my older siblings are STEM majors and I wanted to do something different." I gave him my slightly detailed explanation.

"Same. Well, only Naomi so far but both of my parents majored in Biology. Science was never really my calling." he said to me. "How many siblings do you have?"

I had a love-hate relationship with this question.

"My brother Shawn, my oldest sister Riley, and my older sister Sloane, so three. I'm the youngest of four." I answered. I would have asked him the same question but I already knew his entire family. 

He wasn't getting the 'my older sister died' sob story just yet. I hated the way people looked at me with so much pity when I told them about Riley.

When we got to Starbucks, Micah opened the door for me and we got in line. 

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