9 | the lies and a desecration

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"Shut up, wrench dick."

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AFTER THE MISFORTUNE that occurred last night when the teenagers attempted to retrieve the cross, they (excluding Topper) decided that it would be best to go to the Château. So, all of them currently stand around in the garden while chatting with each other to pass time. They patiently wait for John B to return home; it feels like it has been ages since he's hung out with them, distancing himself ever since his father's return.

"Guys! Look who's back."

Everyone turns around at the sound of the familiar voice, finding John B walking towards them with a smile on his face. Following closely behind the young boy is a grown man; long brown-greyish hair stops at his collarbones, glasses that sit on his bearded face, and is wearing shorts, a plain shirt, with a patterned shirt over the top. Each of the teenagers instantly recognise Big John as he makes his way over to them with a wide smile.

Pope is the first to quickly walk forward and hug Big John. A smile is etched onto the boys face, thankful to be able to see the man after he has been presumed dead for almost a year. Big John is quick to welcome Pope into the warm hug, happy to see the teenagers once again, especially because they have been by his sons side the entire time.

"It's good to see you again." Pope greets.

"Look at you." Big John replies with a smile.

Unable to contain himself any longer, JJ sprints over to Big John and, without any warning, jumps onto his back. A wide smile has split across the boy's face, making him feel like a little kid once again. JJ ruffles Big John's long hair in a playful manner. Delilah just watches her boyfriend with a warm smile tugging on her lips, happy to see him looking so joyful now that he's reunited with the man who he had viewed as his father figure when growing up.

"There's JJ!" Big John happily exclaims.

Once JJ slips off Big John's back, Delilah is quick to tackle the man into a hug. Big John hugs her back but then tricks her by tickling her sides, her laughter erupting into the air as a result; she would laugh like this when he used to let her sit on his shoulders as a kid, allowing her to view the world — it was always a reminder that she's stronger than she thinks and to not settle for less when she's constantly surrounded by beautiful and caring mother nature.

THE REDHEAD ☾ jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now