3 : Depressing Mall Trips

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I woke up the next morning in 6 ways. Pissed. Tired. On the ground. Sore. Cold. Oh, and did I mention ON THE GROUND?!

My air mattress deflated.

I need a bed.

I can't wake up like this every morning.

A quick recap of yesterday:

My mom and I got here around 2 in the afternoon because our flight got delayed.

After that, we spent 2 hours at the car dealership.

We didn't have a car or essentially anything since my mom gave everything back to my dad. She said she didn't want anything that reminded her of him.

We then had to clean the house and unpack which took another 3 hours and by that point, I was exhausted, so I asked Desirée if we could get together tomorrow.

She said she'd been waiting 6 months to see me so what's another day.

Since I had a very eventful day yesterday. I hoped this day would be a little more chill.

Boy was I wrong.

I texted Desirée my address, and she said she'd be here in 5 minutes.

I didn't believe her until I saw a car pull into the driveway exactly 5 minutes later. Guess she was serious.

I ran outside and nearly collided with her since we were both trying to get to each other.

"AALIYAH!!" Desirée yelled as she ran to hug me, "Oh my gosh I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too! You have no idea how hard it's been without you there with me."

"Well, now that I'm here let's fast-forward with all the sappy stuff and act like we've been with each other for the past 6 months."

"You know me so well."

I hate sad things.

I understand that there's a reason for them sometimes, but in this case, no.

We walked into the house and I gave her a tour. She immediately fell in love with the house.

I don't blame her.

This house was unreal.

After the tour, we went to sit in my room. The only rooms that had anything in it were my room and my mom's room.

The rest of the house was completely empty.

We sat there and caught up for a while then went to the hardware store. I'm pretty sure that's what they're called.

She thought it would be fun to paint one wall in my room a different color. We painted it light blue since my walls were grey.

"I know we have all summer to catch up, but I have to tell you something."


"Lucas is back in town."

You know. He has great timing. I should really ask him how he manages to time the things he does perfectly.

"What? How do you know? For how long?"

"I saw him and his sister yesterday at the store. I don't know how long he's staying."

"Well...how did he look?"

"I mean I don't know Aaliyah. I didn't get a good look because I was too busy thinking about the fact that he was back! Aaliyah, why are you asking if he looked good or not?"

Endless LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon