13 : The Reason I Love And Hate Elevators

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Reasons I love elevators:
1. They get you where you're going faster than steps (debatable).
2. They're fast, easy, and reliable (also debatable).
3. You can just press a button and it'll take you wherever you need.

Reasons I hate elevators:
1. They could stop working at any time.
2. They can just randomly decide that "Hey! I'm tired" and leave you to your death while it's falling at 9.8 meters per second.
3. You can get stuck on them and possibly die from dehydration.

But me being my optimistic self. I decided to focus on the reason I love them.

Lucas invited me to his apartment on Tuesday because he wanted to show me that he lives on his own sometimes.

Why that was important? I don't know.

But I decided to go since I had nothing better to do.

He sent me the address and told me to meet him at the front door, so he could give me a tour of the whole building.

"Welcome to my humble abode," Lucas said when I walked up to him.

"Why do you live here?" I asked as he opened the door for me, "Don't you have a huge mansion that you can stay at."

"Well sometimes that huge mansion gets a little boring and my dad is so overrated by his job that I come here sometimes to get out of his way."

"Oh." Is the only thing I said.

I sure do know how to make situations awkward.

After walking around the building. A very big building might I add. We finally ended up back in the lobby.

"Well that's the end of the tour," Lucas said walking towards the elevators, "Let me show you the best part."

"The restaurant across the street?"

"No, my apartment."

"Oh that's good too I guess."

We stepped on the elevator and listen to the quiet music in the background. Suddenly it made a loud shake and stopped moving.

This is one of the reasons I hate elevators.

"What the hell?"

"Are you okay?"

"I will when this elevator starts again."

After a couple of minutes, the doors still didn't open.

"Hey Mr. Williams," a voice came out of nowhere.

"The hell?" I said looking around.

"Don't worry it's just Marty. He's one of the maintenance people."

"So um bad news bud the elevator's down and I don't know when it's going to be back up."

"It's okay just take your time."

"Um no it's not okay," I said turning to Lucas after he said that, "No offense Marty. But I don't wanna be stuck in an elevator. This usually never ends well in shows."

"You'll be fine," Lucas reassured me, "It's just a little mechanical issue. It should be back up and running in a second right?"

"We'll there's some more bad news. We don't have the proper equipment to fix it right now but it should be back up in a couple of hours."


"Wait you're serious?"

"Sorry, Mr. Williams."

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