The 40's

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When the universe was created so was I. When the first life was born I was there. When the first dream was dreamt I helped it come true. Eons, I have been alive watching as the world evolved and the people with it. I watched it all happen. 

Now here I am attending an exhibition. I believe it's hosted by a name everyone can see in lights, Howard Stark. Walking around I noticed a scrawny man looking at a military poster. "Thinking of enlisting?" I approached. He spins around noticing me standing behind him. 

"Hopefully ma'am," he answers. I smirk slightly at his answer. Well isn't he polite. 

"May I ask why?"

"People are fighting over there, one of them is my best friend. I want to do my part." 

"That's very honorable. You are a very unique man. May I get your name?"

"Steve. Steve Rogers." 

"Steve Rogers," testing his name on my tongue. "It suits you. I'm Leah Azure. You might want to get in there for your physical." 

"Yeah but I don't know if I'll get in." I noticed someone observing us from the corner of my eye.

"Your luck might just change. Until we meet again, Steve Rogers." 

"Goodbye Leah." Walking away with a smile on my face. 

During this time I worked as a nurse

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During this time I worked as a nurse. It allowed me to help others without bringing too much attention to myself. The door opens to the medical ward I was working in. "Find an empty bed I'll be right with you," I callout not taking off my eyes what I was doing. It was a soldier I was administering pain meds to as he had just lost his arm. "There is going to be a little pinch," I tell the soldier kindly. He winces slightly when the needle enters his skin. "There we go. All done for today. Hopefully you'll be out of here soon." 

"Well that's too bad, I wouldn't get to see my favorite nurse every day," he flirts. 

"Now don't let the other nurses know that," I tease, "I like my free coffee and doughnuts." He chuckles at my joke. I update his chart and then turn to who entered the medical ward. It was two men I've only seen in passing. "May I help you gentlemen?" 

"You are nurse Azure correct," the older one asks. 

"That is correct," I confirm. "What is it that you're looking for?" He pulls out a piece of paper. 

"My name is Dr. Erskine," he says, "a few months ago while I was working on a project I'll admit I got stumped. No one seemed to know the solution to my problem. Then one day this paper appeared on my desk with the answer. I asked around and it seemed that it was left by a nurse who dropped off files earlier that day. That nurse just happened to be you."

"What's your point?" 

"The point is, doll face, is that the two greatest minds couldn't come up with the answer but you could," the younger one points out. Now that I look at him I recognize him completely. This man was Howard Stark. "Tell me, how is that possible?" 

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