I need more than a drink

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Bucky woke up the next morning feeling a weight on his chest. Looking down to find Leah cuddling him and basically had him in a death grip. Carefully he maneuvered her so she was now squeezing to death a pillow. He goes down stairs to find mostly everyone was eating breakfast plus a few new faces. 

"Morning," Natasha greets as she takes a sip of his coffee. Steve approaches him with two plates in hand. 

"Here I made you a plate," Steve says handing him one. "I don't think you formally meet the others who were part of the fight at the airport. There are Clint, Wanda, Vision, and Scott Lang. Lang is kinda new." 

"It's nice to meet you," Wanda greets him. 

"Yeah you too," Bucky replies back awkwardly. He takes his seat next to Steve. Breakfast was quiet until Marc makes his way into the dining room.

"Has anyone seen Eternity?" Marc question them.

"Was she not in her room or office?" Sam suggest. He shakes his head. 

"No I looked everywhere and I couldn't find her. She's still in the mansion since her phone and purse were in her room." He then looks at Bucky with a strange look on his face. 

"What?" Bucky asks him annoyed. Marc points to his shirt. 

"You have a white strand of hair on your shirt." Looking down to find the exact strand. 

"So did she make your little soldier salute," Natasha pokes in jest. 

"Nat!" Steve scolds while everyone else snickers. 

"Nothing happens," Bucky defends. 

"So where is she then?" Sam asks cheekily. 

"In my room," he mutters. 

"Where?" Sam had started looking like a cheshire cat. 

"She's in my room!" Bucky explodes. "Nothing happened last night. Get your head out of the gutter." 

Feeling her ears itch Leah wakes up from her deep slumber. "Someone must be talking about me," she mumbles out. Like a cat she stretches hearing cracking of her bones. "I should replace these mattresses. It felt like I was sleeping on a rock." Completely unaware she used Bucky like a body pillow. Making her way downstairs to find everyone already breakfast. "Morning," she yawns. "What's going on?" 

"We were about to ask you that?" Natasha points out. Leah gives them a confused look as she pours herself some coffee. "How was your sleep?"

"It was fine," she iterates. "I might have to get a new mattress though. It felt like I was sleeping on a cinderblock." Sam splutters into his coffee making him let out a slurry of coughs soon after. Wanda, Scott, Natasha, and Clint wore amused smiles. Vision was confused. Lastly, Steve, Bucky, and Marc were not amused at all. "I don't see what's so funny."

"So you and the super soldier didn't "fondue"?" Natasha asks with a slight smirk.  It took a minute to realize exactly what Natasha was asking her. She remembered the story Peggy told her about Steve all those years ago. It also didn't help that she was just dressed in an overly large shirt that covered her shorts. 

"I'm more shocked that you know that story than the question," Leah admits. "I thought Steve would have taken that story to the grave." A teasing smile playing on her lips. 

"Really?" Steve asked in slight annoyance. She shrugs her shoulders in response. 

"So did you?" with a serious expression Marc questioned her. She rolls her eyes as she expected this from him. He didn't like men flirting with her but she always brushed it off as brotherly protectiveness. 

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