I have No Other Function

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~Days Later~

It's been days since I talked at the repeal hearing. Right now I'm at a bar drinking my time away. "What are you doing here ice queen?" a slightly annoying voice asks me. Turning my head to find a familiar wrinkled avocado. 

"What do you want, Wade?" Wade, also known as Deadpool, was a merc with a mouth on him. Name a curse word and he probably knows twenty variants of the same word. Sometimes I think the hamster is always drunk when it's on the wheel. 

"Oh come on you've been coming here every single day since the hearing. Hell you even placed a bet on Weasel for the dead pool." 

"What?!" Weasel exclaims in surprise. Weasel was the owner and bartender of St. Margaret's. It was mostly known as a mercenary hideout. Weasel was usually in charge of handing out the jobs. "Why did you do that?" 

"I was bored," I shrugged. "Beside my bet was that you get killed in some freak accident. That or Wade accidentally does it." 

"Hey I've been very good with no accidental knife throwing," Wade argues. 

"Again a freak accident," I reiterate. We all get cut off by the news coming through the tv. "Hey turn that up." Weasel does as I asked. 

"Today the United Nations has agreed to repeal the Sokovia Accords." Huh looks like everything has paid off. "Days after the U.S. President announced he will pardon former Sgt. James Barnes for his crimes as the Winter Soldier under certain conditions. Many say the sway of many government officials is due to the speech of Leah Azure, who gave her respective insight earlier this week. 

Leah was known as the investigative reporter Mikaela. During Sgt. Barnes's trial it was revealed that was not the case. Turns out that Mikaela was an immortal known as Eternity but goes by Leah. She spoke up not only at Barnes's trial but also in front of the United Nations. It was later revealed that she was a nurse during World War 2 during Captain Rogers's and Sgt. Barnes's service. How long she's been alive is yet to be determined." 

"Wow they are calling you old grandma," Wade comments. 

"Shush," I tell him. 

"It was later revealed that she was reporting under the pen name the High Priestess. The one everyone says is responsible for the course of events that took place. Now that the Sokovia Accords there are now talks of pardons of those who refused to sign it. The multi-billionaire Tony Stark, also known as Iron Man, has not commented if there will be mediation between him and Captain Rogers pertaining to the Avengers. Whether the Avengers are getting back together is yet to be seen. I'm Wendy Casey Daily Bugle." 

"Looks like you won," Weasel comments. 

"I didn't win anything I just did what I thought was right." 

"Well what are you going to do now?" 

"Don't know, I might go on a vacation to London. Maybe I'll go to a museum or something," I say with a swing of my drink. "Technically I don't have to do anything. May I remind everyone my only function is to make sure the universe stays intact." 

"Come on I'm sure the author has more plans for you," Wade suggests, "or else this story will be way too dull." With a raised eyebrow I turn to him. 

"I think you need to lay off the cocaine. As fun as this chat has been I must get going." 

"Ooh, got a hot date tonight?" 

"Yes it's called my bed and I decided to spend the whole night with it. Goodnight boys." With a turn of my heel I start to walk out of the bar. 

"Night," they call behind me. 

I get to my apartment that I've been staying at for a while. Inside without a care in the world I threw my purse and heels without a care in the  world. Reaching inside my fridge I pull out a random bottle of wine. I can't get drunk I just enjoy the taste. Hearing something land outside my window I peer outside to see a red and blue spider. "If you're going to sneak around, Peter, you might want to be a little more "discrete". 

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