Chp. 4 : Surprisingly Impossible

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Hey guys! Sorry it took so long for the update, I have a new plan to write two chapters and then publish the first one. It helps when I change my mind about plots, so I don't have to make you re-read things. (*Cough* *Cough* What kind of horrible author would do that?)

Pretty please make me some banners/covers?

Enjoy the update.


After having begged my mother to call the school-in which she said she wouldn't do unless I made myself open to friends, which was not an option-and pleading with my father-who blankly said, "Go talk to your mother."-I had only one option. Do things myself.
Early Monday morning (Sam and Charlotte's intimidating encounters had been on a Friday, leaving me to a weekend of awful thoughts,) I sat in a squishy blue chair, facing a petite woman behind a desk.
"Good morning, Miss Blake," said the frail woman, her cheek bones sunken in.
"Good morning," I murmured.
Mrs. Parker slid a stack of papers away from her workspace and looked me in the eye. "What seems to be the problem?"
"Problem." I repeated, slumping slightly, the fact that I woke up at 5:45 catching up to me suddenly.
"Normally when people come to visit me they have a problem," Mrs. Parker explained. "An academic-" she paused, "or otherwise."
I nodded slightly. "I guess I do have a small problem."
Mrs. Parker smiled a small, thin lipped smile. "Enlighten me, Miss Blake."
I cleared my throat. "I need you to re-assign me a guide."
"Reassign?" It was Mrs. Parker's turn to play dumb. "Elaborate, please."
"I need someone different," I said, flopping my hands, flustered.
Mrs. Parker chuckled. "Ah, having problems with Mr. Freeman?"
Freeman. Sam Freeman. My "guide".
I shook my head. "Not at all," I lied. "I just believe we would both benefit-"
"Trust me," Mrs. Parker interrupted. "Sam is a very nice boy. You must give him a chance!"
I opened my mouth to object, since Sam was far from anything that could be classified as a 'nice boy', but Mrs. Parker's continued to blab.
"He actually has-though he wouldn't want me sharing it-an impressive academic record. He's a very kind young man! You'll see," Mrs. Parker insisted, standing up.
The clock implied that I was probably going to need a late slip as it was, so I admitted defeat by standing as well. Not even the guidance counselor was going to help me! This was proving be to be impossible.
I walked into Mr. Teller's classroom. This was the AP English class I shared with Sam. I groaned at just the thought of seeing his arrogant face. Because of my unsuccessful meeting with Mrs. Parker this morning, this was my first class with Sam as my school guide.
I watched Mr. Teller as he glared at me, lowering his book. "Ms. Patterson, you're late," Mr. Teller said. I walked up to him and gave him the yellow slip of paper I held. Mr Teller rolled his eyes, but accepted the pass. I graciously ducked my head, jogging to a seat close to the back. Big mistake.
I had completely forgotten something I probably shouldn't have. Along with Sam, Charlotte was in this class. Charlotte and Sam. Both in this class. With me.
Charlotte Ranger was sitting, her dark hair pulled into a French braid, right infront of the seat I had slid into. And I hadn't noticed until Mr. Teller had resumed class.
Charlotte whipped her head around, grinning devilishly. "Hey there, Blake," Charlotte smirked.
I immediately huffed, causing Charlotte to glare at me, and turn back around. If she thought she was going to mess with me, today of all days, she had another thing coming.
I glared at the back of her head, and tried, unsuccessfully, to focus back in on Mr. Teller's lecture. A pointy object poked into the back of my head before crumpling to the ground. I watched Mr. Teller carefully, before bending awkwardly to retrieve the note. I unfolded the small ball, smoothing it under my desk, concealing it from Mr. Teller.
Blake, if Charlotte tries to mess with you, yank that braid off her freaking scalp. Hope this is helpful! Just doing my job! :)
- Your one and only guide
I wrinkled my nose at the note, turning my head to the back of the room where Sam's seat (yes, the one we head-butted over,) was. He was smirking, not making eye-contact with me. I pulled a thin blue pen out of my pencil pouch and began to scribble furiously on the back of the stupid note.
Sam, if only you were conveniently wearing a French braid. :)
- Blake
I discreetly flung the note to the ground, watching it clear several feet, ending at the foot of Sam's desk, which was two seats over. I stifled a laugh as I watched his grin fade when he read the note, replaced by anger. He shot a deadly glare at me, before raising his hand.
Oh no. What is he doing?!
Mr. Teller glanced at Sam tiredly. "Is there any reason you're disrupting my class, Mr. Freeman?"
Sam nodded eagerly. "Yes, Mr. Freeman." He shot me a grin. "Blake is passing me notes."
I almost fell out of my seat. Shit!
Mr. Teller suddenly seemed completely interested. He tilted his head towards me, as the rest of our class turned to state me down. Charlotte in particular seemed to be enjoying this moment.
"Ms. Patterson, is what he says true?"
I gulped. "Yes-"
Mr. Teller tossed his book onto his desk. "Ms. Patterson." His voice had grown quiet, which was only worse than it becoming louder. He stared me down, making me want to hug my mommy like a first grader. "You will see me after class."
I could feel radiant heat from Charlotte and Sam's grins. My heart beat had sped up so much, and my arms felt like the face of the sun.
Mr. Teller had been about to pick back up his book when he paused. He looked thoughtful for a moment before he set his book back down, and folding his arms across his chest. He reestablished his "scary teacher" face.
"Mr. Freeman," Mr. Travis said. I watched from the corner of my eye as Sam froze in his seat, his triumph paused. "May I see this note?"
I watched Sam pick up the small price of paper and stand up, walking toward Mr. Teller's desk. He walked as though he was walking to his execution. I, along with the rest of my class, watched with a mixture of curiosity and strange excitement. Sam handed the note to Mr. Teller, who's eyes immediately scanned it, and gulped loudly.
Mr. Teller dropped the note into his trash can and shook his head slightly. "Mr. Freeman, you will see me after class as well."
Talk about back fire!
Sam stood rooted to the spot, seeming completely dumbfounded.
"You can go sit down now!" Mr. Travis hissed.
Sam pivoted and walked briskly to his seat. As he passed my desk, we made eye contact for a brief mili-second. Sam took his thumb and motioned slicing it across his neck. And then he took his seat.


Sam isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer... But he's still hot. ;)

Hope you liked the update. Read, comment, vote, follow, etc!!

Next update: Thursday/Friday

- Color_Me_

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