Chp. 11 : Surprised (And not too thrilled) To Be Here

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You guys should be down on your knees bowing to me right now, because it's 10 o'clock at night and I'm in Puerto Rico, and yet I'm determined to update before I loose signal!

I love you too Paint_Splash_

Vote, comment, enjoy!

And I mean enjoy! Last update of June!!

*Sigh* Puerto Rico! I should be asleep! You'd better like this update....


"Hey, Blake, want to play a game?"

I shrugged my shoulders, letting my eyes bounce around the room and focus on nothing.

"Yeah. Ok."

"Come on then!"

I focused my eyes on my surroundings, eyeing the caving walls of a black tunnel. I gingerly touched my hand to the side of the tunnel, running my fingers along the smooth, black surface. There were no flaws in the material!

"Come on!" It was repeated.

I didn't let myself watch anything in particular, taking off sprinting down the tunnel. My fingers never left the wall, brushing against t as I took strides.

"Come on, Blake!"

I popped out of the tunnel, my vision blurred. Around me lights flashed, and music blasted. I stepped back, groping for the tunnel, which had suddenly vanished.

Where am I?

"Come on!" This time The voice was coming from an audible direction, leaving me to twist my head towards the sound.

Shelley. But... a more youthful Shelley.

"God, are you going to take all day?"

I ignored her words, turning back to the sound o children, music, and the incredibly bright, luminescent lights.

The arcade. It was so clear now.

Why didn't I recognize it?

I turned back to Shelley, to find that she was facing away from me. "Come on," she said numerously, trotting towards the corner.

I glanced around, looking at all of the kids around me. They all seemed to have a barrier in front of them, preventing me from really seeing them, even though I knew with certainty they were there.

I shook my head, squinting at the shining black tile floor of the arcade. I followed in the direction Shelley had gone, keeping my walk stray and calm, even though panic was building inside of me.

This is weird.

Shelley was waiting around the corner, arms folded. "There's someone here," Shelley giggled mischievously, twirling her sandy blonde hair around her finger.

I lunged forward, attempting to grab her wrist, but Shelley quickly dodged, slithering behind a small game machine.

I furrowed my eyebrows, leaping around the machine to follow her. She was standing at another machine. "Or maybe I should say a guy!" Shelley said, her face lit up with amusement.

I stepped closer, as if not to startle a fragile creature, inspecting her face. She was very short. Maybe only five foot, but still seemed to meet me at eye level. Her hair was pulled back in a skinny ponytail holder, and freckles dotted her nose. Shelley grinned again, revealing shiny, bulky braces. She looked 12!

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