Chp. 10 : Come for a Visit (Surprise?)

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Whoo! Tenth chapter of Unexpected! Aren't you guys excited? Help me reach my goals!

300 views by the end of June! Can I get there with an update after this one? Come on people!

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"Blake, honey, you're going to swallow a bug. Shut your mouth!"

I clamped my mouth shut, eyes widened at my mother. My mouth had been open, in that way when you're gaping.

The young man standing beside Mom flicked his floppy, dark bangs out of his eyes.

I let out a small, shuddering breath. "Sorry."

The boy smiled bashfully, making my skin heat up.

"You're what?"

"I-I didn't want you to find out this way."

Shelley's fingers were twined over her mouth her eyes wide with shock.

Blabber mouth!

"So then how did you want me to find out?"

"I wanted to tell you--"

"And what stopped you?!"

I gulped, looking at a shockingly silent Shelley with pleading eyes.

A little help?!

Shelley dug her teeth into her lip, removing her hands from her face. "I thought she told you. I'm sorry that I was the one to tell you."

So helpful, that Shelley!

Drew's hands ran through his hair, his jaw clenched in obvious conflict. "Love, please explain this to me. Why, why, why wouldn't you tell me first? Or, at least second after Shelley?"

I pushed the painful limp in my throat down, blinking back tears that were threatening to spill over the edges of my eyes.

"Drew, I'm so, so, so sorry."

Drew turned away from me, his head ducked in sadness.

Shelley let out an all too audible gulp, side stepping away from Drew and I. She mouthed the words, 'Later,' and scampered down the hallway.

Drew watched her go, his tongue pressed into his cheek. He shot me a pleading look, pain obvious in his expression.

I took a step toward him, lifting my arms to reach his shoulders. I rested my palms on his tense shoulders, wincing as he leaned away. "Drew..."

Drew turned his eyes to me. "I... I don't want you to leave."

I nodded slowly, painfully. Drew and I had been dating since the seventh grade. We were probably the most serious couple in the eighth grade.

Drew took my hands in his, lifting them off of his shoulders. He pressed his lips to my knuckles, his eyes squeezed shut. "Where are you going? How far? And how soon can I visit?"

I emitted a coughing laugh, small tears dripping from my weary eyes. "I'm moving to Kansas. And you can live with us as far as I'm condemned."

I cleared my throat, free of the memory. Drew was giving me a curious, slightly concerned face, his chin tilted.

"You're not going to greet me?" Drew grinned, his adorable dimples lighting up.

Since the eighth grade he'd definitely matured, his once soft, boyish face more defined, his jaw bone jutting out powerfully.

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