Chp. 8 : Sorry to Surprise You!

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Looks like this is Charlotte! ^^^

That's two updates in a week! You. Are. Welcome.

Got to be honest, I'm starting to get nervous about reaching my goals. I'll probably try and get two more updates out in June, can I get 300 views and 30 votes my then? Come on people!

Vote and comment babes.


After Mom picked me up Thursday afternoon we went immediately home, since I was grounded. Because of my detention.

I sulked in my room all afternoon, browsing Instagram.

After a few minutes of laying sprawled on my bed, bored out of my mind, Shelly texted me.

Hey! :)

I stared at the text. Lately she hasn't texted unless something was happening...


I texted back.

So, you excited for this week?

I stared at Shelly's text, slightly confused, and definitely curious.

What's this week?

I sent.

Erm... got to go!!!

I looked at the text with confusion.

Shell? You there?

No reply. I sighed and turned off my phone.



I don't think I can stand going on with school for another day. Or detention. Or having to see Sam's glares and Charlotte's smirks. And, of course, other stuff too. Who am I kidding. I have no life. Just the way I like it.

Before I can get too excited over the weekend though, I have to get through Friday. So I kinda hate Friday.

I take back my TGIF.

Mom dropped me off in front of the school, since I wasn't even allowed to ride the bus. I was on full restriction.

Which means my weekend will probably be full of studying and shit.

In first period I sat close to Mr. Teller's desk, just like Thursday. There were, shockingly, (thought I was going to say surprisingly didn't you?) set backs! The-class-where-things-go-wrong went smoothly.

I was cruising the halls, sometime between third-period and lunch, when I heard that high pitched voice that meant no good.

"Ba-lake! There you are!" Charlotte.

"Heeeeey, Charlotte," I said as Charlotte squeaked up to me, wearing slender yellow ballet flats.

"So," Charlotte cooed. "Aren't you absolutely thrilled for next week?"

I frowned at Charlotte, my brows furrowing. "There's nothing happening next week."

Charlotte smirked a Grinch-like smirk. "You're absolutely right! I got my weeks mixed up, my bad! This doesn't concern you."


Charlotte's disturbing grin never left as she practically skipped towards the cafeteria, leaving me to lag behind her in my converses.

Complacency comes at a price at this school. Or maybe that's just for me.

In seventh-period, my last class, we were told to meet up with our partners for the packet. Jonathan smiled softly at me as he came over to my desk, dropping his binder next to me. His biceps pulsed beneath his thin shirt as he pulled out the chair. He didn't have huge bulging muscles like some of the extreme weight-lifters on the football team, but he was still fit.

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