Chp. 9 : Surprised by Who?!

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It's time for the next update of....

Flaky Freshman and Super Sam!

That just came to me. It's pretty awesome.

Thanks everyone for all the votes, hoping to get 30 by the end of June. Please tell your friends about Unexpected! Really hopeful to get 300 views by the end of June as well.

Enjoy the second-to-last update of June. If I'm lazy. Which I most likely will be. So this could also be the third-to-last if Paint_Splash_ threatens me, which probably will happen. Just enjoy!



Proper noun. The word that has the ability to make any working person, or minor in school sigh. Dramatically.


Noun. The daycare that earned a new name, and got pencils instead of crayons. Except, the math teachers beg to defer.

Combined, they mean boredom in Latin. I'm 99% sure.

Dad dropped me off at school on his way to work, which starts before the first bell rings. He took me by Starbucks.

I walked into school, my shoulders immediately slumping. The weekend was pretty relaxing. I was still grounded, but I was allowed to have my phone. What else could a girl need?

The walls vibrated with absolute dreariness. I was still hung-up on Friday. I needed to talk to Jonathan. If he would even make eye-contact with me. I needed to desperately avoid Sam. If he would stop breathing down my neck.

I was hardly focused on where I placed my feet as I slunk down the Freshman hallway. Deep in thought. Deep in thought.

Thoughts about what on earth I was going to say to Jonathan.

"Hey, buddy! Just wanted to apologize for ditching you to go with my arch-nemesis to detention! I hope we can still be friends!"

That's a start. Not a very good one, but a start.

"Hey, Jonathan. That brunette dude I was with--never seen him in my life! I don't know who the heck that guy is, but I can assure you that I do not know him!"

I'd much rather go with that. I wish I was a good liar! Life would be easy.

After second period was over, gym class, I was walking toward Third-period when the click of heeled boots behind me made me grimace.


I turned around, Charlotte and her dazzling completion inches from my face.

"Um, hey...?" I said in a monotone voice.

Charlotte took a long stride to come next to me, walking briskly beside me. "So I was just going to tell you that I think he's very excited to see you. Couldn't stop talking about it, in fact."


I glares at Charlotte. "I'm not in the mood for your game. Spill the beans or go away."

Charlotte gave me a venomous glare, her lips tightly pressed together. "Fisty, aren't we?"

"Come on, Charlotte! Cut to the freaking chance."

Charlotte's nostrils flared ever so slightly. "Alright alright! Chill!"

"And yet, you still aren't telling me whatever it is you're dying to."

"I'm getting to that!" Charlotte remarked, crossing her arms.

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