Chapter 1: The Fake Universe (Kai)

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Earth On a Field near the mountain

On the field, two people could be seeing fighting in the sky while someone on the ground is watching them.

The person is a 26 years old boy with black hair, with pale white skin and blue eyes. He wear a turtle school GI, but the Orange colors was remplaced by black and his sleeve were longer. He's has a black and white monkey tail behind him.

This boy is Shiranui, and he was a half breed Human and Saiyan.

The Saiyan were a Race of Warrior who lived for battle. They used to conquer Planet and destroy them. But one day, their boss Frieza destroy their entier Planet. Whiping out the entire Race in the process...well, nearly the entier Race.

Unknown to Frieza, there were some survivor Saiyan that escaped the destruction. Shiranui's mother being one of them. At first, she originaly came to Earth to conquer it. But then, she meet a Human, who later became her future Husband/Mate. After that, they settle down and have a Family.

Later, Shiranui meet Goku, another Saiyan of Earth, and all his friends. What follow soon after is a huge adventure in which he become more and more stronger. Along the way, he managed to make some friends in the form of Gohan, Bred, and others orphans. After that, Takao was born.

Now, they were all enjoying a time of peace...until the nex threat show up. If there is one thing he learned during his life as fighters, it's the fact that there is always someone attacking Earth sooner or later. Which is why it would be best to be prepared.

Shiranui watched the sky with crossed arms, as a spar was taking place.

Two blur clashed against each other in a competition, with every clash there was a powerful shockwave that rattled everything in the area.

Both blur continued to clash for a few more moment before they stopped and back again from each other. While they hover in the air.

One of them was a boy with the same age as Shiranui. He has black hair with blue and red highlights, along with golden eyes. He wear a purple and green fighting GI. He was wrapped up in a Crimson Aura.

This is Bred. The Human who was friend with Shiranui.

The other one was a young boy of 12 year old. He has golden hair and emerald eyes. Pale white skin. And he wear a white and blue fighting GI.

This is Takao. The younger brother of Shiranui.

Shiranui watched has Bred and Takao land on the ground and goes back to normal. Bred's aura was gone, and Takao's golden hair and emeral eyes became black hair and red eyes.

"Look like they finished." Stated Shiranui before he joing them. "So, who's the winner this time?"

"That's me!" Answered Takao with a smile while Bred grunted.

"I still don't get it. Why is that you always win everytime that we fought?" Asked Bred annoyed. This was the 10 time on a month that he lose. That wasn't fair!

Takao shrug. "I don't know. Maybe it's because you don't train enough." He answered.

"I TRAIN every single day!" Yell Bred exasperated.

"Oh...well i don't know." Answered Takao awkwardly.

Bred shook his head before he look at Shiranui. "Anyway, what about you?"

"I still haven't it." Answered Shiranui with a frown. "No matter how hard i try, i still have struggle to combine the-"

"That's not what i mean!" Interruped Bred to the confusion of Shiranui and Takao. "I mean, have you fond a...Girlfriend?"

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