Chapter 8: The Real Motive Behind The Tournament

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Shiranui and the others were stunned at what they just hear. In front of them is the former Supreme Kai of Time. It was really unexpected. For some reason, even if it was for a brief second, Shiranui could swear that Aeos looked at him before turning toward the rest. "Before anything else, i suppose that congratulation are in orders."

"It was you!"

Everyone turned toward Xeno Trunks who look at the organizeur of the Tournament with a mix of confusion and seriousness. Aeos cocked a eyebrow. "Pardon me?"

"Several Scroll from the Time Nest went missing, you must be the responsable since you were able to gather the warrior from the Scroll!" Xeno Trunks accused. "Why are you doing this?!"

Aeos almost seem amused by the question. "It isn't oblivious?"

Aeos showed the palm of her hand and on it appear a bunch of Scroll tie together by what seem to be a thread with a strange jewel in the middle. "I'm trying to bring back the History the way it should be."

"The way it should be?" Turles frowned confused. "What are you implying?"

"As some of you may already know, the Scroll that i hold in my hands represent different Timeline in History." Aeos explained as she look at the winner of the first round. "To be more precise, Alternate Timeline from the main History. Where a single change create a new world. One where the same people live and evolve differently."

"Evolve differently?" Raditz though confused before he look at Goku and Xeno Goku and studied their transformation. Was she talking about them?

"However...there has being recently an increassion of History, which interfere with the flow of Time and Space." Aeos frowned. "And there can be only one History existing."

That stunned everyone. Even Cumber who narrowed his eyes. Xeno Gohan stepped foward. "Hold on! There are peopel living in those History! You can't get rid of them just like that!"

Aeos scoffed. "Don't mesure things by mere mortals standar. All that matter right now is balance."

The former Supreme Kai of Time frowned. "Chronoa has being too negligent in her i'm taking over, and erasing them for her. No luck, ability..."

Aeos's hand, which contained the Scrolls, dissapear in a burst of flame, shocking the others. "...and no false histories."

Everyone watched as the Scroll vanished from her hands. Xeno Goten gulped. "N-No way...the Time Scrolls...they're..."

"Erased..." Xeno Trunks finished with his body shaking with fury. "How could you..."

The Hooded Warrior in front of him didn't say anything. Instead, he only stare at Xeno Trunks with a indifferent gaze. "Like i've said before, it's all to preserve the truth History..."

"Da-Damn it..." Nappa growled to himself. Watching the former Supreme Kai of Time erasing the Time Scroll make him feel the same sensation he feel back in the Frieza's Forces: Helpless. It was infuriating.

"I-It can't be..." Cabba muttered stunned.

Aeos smirked before placing a hand on her face. "Such if the fate of those Histories."

Shiranui clenched his glowed fists. He really couldn't believe it. That person erased all those people without a second though. All for balance! He feel tempted to attack her right there and then. However, he wasn't stupid. He know that he don't stand a chance alone.

However, he wasn't the only one who was angry.


Everyone turned toward Xeno Trunks who power up in his Super Saiyan God form and take his sword. "WHY DO YOU GET THE RIGHT TO DECIDE THE LIVES OF THOSE PEOPLE LIVING IN EACH OF THOSE HISTORIES?!"

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