Author's Note

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Hey there, bookworms!

So, you've landed on my story amongst the millions on Wattpad. 


Consider this your lucky day (or maybe mine, depending on how you handle cringe).

Brace yourselves, because this is my first book and english isn't my first language, and there's no editor in sight. So, typos and grammatical oopsies are basically my roommates. There might be some bumps along the road, but hey, that's part of the adventure, right?



Forget about flawless fictional characters – that's boring. My peeps are gloriously complex, the kind that might drive you up a wall or have you clutching your heart like a lovesick puppy. Our leading lady? Strong as nails, definitely not your damsel in distress. And the leading man? No arrogant jerk here – we are keeping things interesting and setting a standard here!

This story's a delicious cocktail of clichés you both love and hate. Get ready for the drama, family feels, laughter, heartwarming friends, and enough angst to fuel your emo heart. You'll get your fill of stupid jokes, stereotypes so obvious they're endearing, and moments so sweet they'll make you want to simultaneously swoon and crawl under a rock. Secondhand embarrassment? It's practically a guarantee (but hey, at least my protagonist won't be the main culprit, right? Wink wink).

Just a reminder, stealing my work is a big no-no!

Look out for frequent updates with long, exciting chapters. I promise to keep myself- Ahem, I mean, keep you entertained!

Apologies for the wall of text, but hey, informed readers are happy readers!

Now, hit me with those comments, votes, and shares! Let's get this story going.

P.S. Happy reading (and maybe a little cringing – it's all part of the fun!)

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