Run for you're wife

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_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
And in
The end. It's you against you.
Fighting for yourself.

— Anjali Chaturvedi

— Anjali Chaturvedi

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˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ꕥ
— 2nd person

"Okay, your brother's lunch is pack" Claire says, checking the lunch's. "You two are buying your own lunch" She points at Madison and Haley. "Luke, Alex, come on let's go" She shouted, hoping they will hear her.

They both walk into the kitchen. Alex comes and sits next to Madison. While Luke walks towards Phil with his head tilted down a little bit, almost out of shame.

"There he is. Last chance for the summer handshake"Phil hypes Luke up. Holding his hand out. A bright smile on his face.

They both do their handshake. Until Luke suddenly stops. "Dad" Luke mumbles in a quite tone.

"Come on. We're only halfway done" Phil says confused why Luke suddenly stopped.

"I need help" Luke confesses. "I was supposed to keep a journal all summer. It's due today" He admits, keeping his head tilted down.

"Wow, first day of school and you're already behind" Claire said, looking at Luke.

Luke groans "I'm so dead" Walking toward Madison and sticks out the palm of his hand. Madison glances at him, before putting a few gummy bears in his hand. Ruffling his hear.

"Okay tell me how far you've got" Claire says, trying to help him. He opens the journal on the counter.

"Okay this is what I've got." June 21st. I found a stick" He reads out loud. Claire hums signaling Luke to continue.

"June 22nd, that's it" Luke adds on. "That's it?" Claire questions. Luke nods his head. "It was a really cool stick" Luke says reluctantly.

Phil looks nods his head at Claire. "He's right. It looked like a snake" Phil admits.

"Honey, you moving out?" dad jokes. "Five more years" Alex says out of breath, dragging all her stuff out.

Looks like she's taking the whole house with her

"A little help here" Alex asks, gesturing to all her stuff.

"This is why we suggested the violin" mom replies. "A cello is more in demand in the university orchestras" Alex says.

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