Undeck the Halls

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_________ ׂׂ་༘࿐
I wanted to be
what you needed
so badly that
I forgot how to be
what I needed
— Ben Maxfield

_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐I wanted to be what you needed so badly that I forgot how to be what I needed — Ben Maxfield

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˚ ˚
— 2nd person

"Do we really have to wear these ugly sweaters?" Haley asks, tugging on her green Christmas sweater.

Phil was seated on the couch with Luke while Alex, Haley, Madison and Claire behind the couch.

"It's just until grandma can see them" Claire confirms, zipping up her own red Christmas sweater.

"Mine smells like poo" Luke complains, tugging on the color of his dark blue sweater. "Mine's itchy" Alex groans, scratching her arms.

"My sweater is choking me, before you know it my skin will turn blue from the lack of air" Madison jokes, looking down at her red sweater.

"You know what? I'd rather be itchy than this smell" Luke says, wanting this to be over.

"Come on, Phil hurry" Claire says, standing behind Phil.

"Okay, here we go. Connecting" Phil says, clicking on the laptop. "Come in, Florida over. Mom? Dad?" Phil mimics the static of a microphone.

The laptop connects to the call. "Hello, Phillip" Frank says, popping on the screen only showing his forehead and eyes.

Phil glances at everyone signaling that it's time. "Merry Christmas Eve!" They chorused.

"Merry Christmas Eve!" Frank cheers back. "A little lower dad" Phil says, meaning the screen. "Merry Christmas Eve!" Frank says in a lower tone.

They all laugh it off. "Thank you for the sweaters" Claire spoke louder. Frank finally lowers the screen, now seeing him fully.

"You're welcome. You look beautiful in them, darling" Frank replies. "Where's mom?" Phil asks.

"Mom is sinking fast" Frank jokes. They all look at each other not understanding the joke. "She's in the bathtub. Get it?" He adds on.

"They have that claw foot" Phil says to Claire.

"Honey, come on" Frank calls out for his wife. Phil turns the camera toward the Christmas tree that's standing in the family room.

"Hey pops, here's the tree. And there's the ornament you sent us" Phil says while Claire walks into frame to show where the ornament is hanging in the tree.

"Right here" Claire says, pointing at the crystal ornament. "There are the stockings hung by the chimney by Claire" Phil shows turning the cameras towards their chimney.

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