Chapter 3

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⌘ Northern Lands, Earth.

"Where did you drum these guys up?" I asked Kenna, who was busy behind the bar, throwing my thumb over my shoulder to signal the leprechaun band on stage.

"The vampire metal band had a gig at The Dungeon, the pub in town," Kenna sighed as she washed the glasses in the sink, and prepared orders for the waiters to take to the customers. "It's their first time playing. Cut them some slack," she added pointedly.

Conan ~ It's not that bad to be honest.

Zander ~ I'm trying to make conversation, or it's just me and the wolf in my head.

Conan ~ Grumpy ass.

Shutting off Conan's attempts to nag with a scoff, I let my gaze wander over the people at the Drunk Kraken. It was packed tonight for a new band and some people had already ventured onto the small dance floor to dance to the catchy tunes.

Couples tried the quick moves with their feet and laughed when their partner couldn't keep up. The spell that Kenna cast still hung in the air as a soft lullaby to ease the worries away from the minds of the attendants.

I noticed the regulars for a Saturday night and also some fresh faces that I haven't seen at the Drunk Kraken. I spotted the blonde mage from the bookstore and the fae that owned the flower shop on the town square. Not knowing why, I focused on them. I didn't see them out often, but somehow I felt elated that they were having a good time.

Recalling her name as Calandra, I let my eyes roam her features. Her dark chestnut hair was cut to softly graze her shoulders, her pale green fae eyes sparkling with joy, deep in conversation with her friend. The sound as she giggled a tender tune that reached my enhanced hearing and perked the interest of Conan.

We hadn't exchanged many words in the two years since founding Northern Lands, but she was always friendly and had a lovely smile that could brighten up a sour mood. Every time I passed her shop, the brightest colors would greet me and incredible aromas would stir my senses.

I peeled my eyes off of her, a hollow feeling suddenly invading my chest.

Wolves mate for life, and there is only one person in the whole of existence chosen for you by the Moon Goddess, or so it says in our folklore and legends related to the curse. Sometimes it happens that one of them dies before meeting each other after turning of age, and in these cases, you could find a second chance mate but not always. It is very rare, but I've seen it once before.

Our Alpha, Kaan, found his second chance Luna, Moriko, after the hunters killed his first mate in a chase. She had protected her mate, but the silver bullets reached her before making it to the pack herself.

It was possible that your mate was not of the same species, normally another magical creature. If so, the werewolf would notice an awareness, but touch would trigger the bond.

The mate bond was the connection all werewolves desired. A person to balance you out on every level. To mark and be marked by the one who could put your chest ablaze with the most powerful love known in existence.

My parents had said that they felt finally complete upon meeting each other, feeling the bond grow stronger every time they touched. My mom said it was like fireworks engulfing them when they shared their first kiss.

The thought of my parents made the pain well up in my chest. Even if with the passing of time the hurt dulled, there would always remain an ache from missing them in my life. A deep sigh left my lips, and I heard Conan sniff in my mind. We both missed them dearly.

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