Chapter 28

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Thousand shattered pieces.

That was all that remained of me. Dressed in the magnificent wedding gown, my heart wept for the life I could have had with Zander. The cold and predatory gaze of Tybalt as he lifted the lacy veil over my head sent shivers down my spine, as he knew the control he exerted over me to have uttered the words, but I knew any resistance would only invite more suffering. We were all trapped in a web of manipulation and magic.

I recognized the howl that resounded through the castle and courtyard; I knew it in my heart, from the time I heard him in the mountains when I rejected him. The desperation of my mate, knowing that he had arrived too late to stop the wedding; to sever the bond that Tybalt had now put on my other wrist through the handfasting ceremony.

Amidst the silence of the attendees, I realized the true extent of what I faced, and the desperate need to reclaim my autonomy and fight against the forces that sought to control my destiny.

"Now you're finally mine," Tybalt drawled, edging nearer to me. Having him so close to me, all of me screamed it was wrong. To be looking into his eyes and not Zander's. My every fiber was fighting this forced bond.

Tybalt grabbed roughly my chin, tipping it up to meet his gaze. I could not look away, as he held me in place with one hand wrapped tightly around my waist. He was strong. As a full fae with the handfasting ceremony over, the powers of his new status as a royal would slowly take form.

"Queen Calithea Asterin, my consort." The grin on Tybalt's face as he touched my lower lip with his thumb made a tightness coil in my belly, and I was grateful I had not eaten anything this morning.

Tybalt kissed me, pressing his lips roughly against mine. Tears slipped through my lashes, trickling over my cheeks, the salty taste staining his assault. He tried to pry my lips apart, but I focused all my energy on shutting my eyes and keeping my mouth pressed closed.

I grimaced, wiping my tears with the back of my hand while anger lashed through me like a tidal wave. I felt Zohra's control slowly ebb away from my body and mind, only leaving a vile aftertaste in my mouth. Everything they set out to do had been accomplished, and they had altered my future like they wanted. I was the puppet to be strung along.

The wolf howls and noises intensified, making Tybalt let go, dropping his arms from my body. There was something happening in the castle as the fae priest and his ceremonial helpers scampered off to hide. Somehow, my heart knew Zander was near. Had the Aurora pack come to save me? Was it already too late?

"Take care of it," Tybalt barked as his nostrils flared. "I am now your King! You shall listen to me!" he shouted to the quiet room when he did not receive an immediate reply to his order. His boisterous words resounded inside the walls, echoing across the marble and stone like a frenzied call.

The attendees had still not budged, but the castle guards stationed at every door began jumping from one foot to the other. The guards drew their swords, at first reluctant, which made me realize that Zohra's magic didn't affect everyone. Nervousness was written on their faces, but they saluted, fell in formation, and set out to defend their newly wedded pair of royals.

Tybalt spun around, dropping the pearly white veil out of his hands and furling his hand over the heft of his sword. Male fae royalty during ceremonies always carried weapons from the armory, ancient swords with powers of their own, to show the power of the Asterin crown to our people.

The black and golden cord still joined us, and as he yanked, he turned around with his brow furrowed in annoyance. Tybalt had not predicted what was happening, and I noticed his temperament rising as he quickly undid the bow without looking at me.

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