Chapter 27

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I scrubbed myself raw.

To erase the touch of Zohra's magic, the stench of the corruption and watchful eyes of Tybalt roaming my body each chance he got. The way he perused the curves made me sick to my stomach, and each time he reached out to touch me, I recoiled in fear.

At night, the sounds that drifted from his room down the hallway haunted me. Women came in and out of his chambers. Their screams of pleasure and his grunts of release resounding through the fine walls. A twisted way to torture me. I knew him to be a pompous, self-centered and egotistical prick, but I had expected him to have a little class, especially when trying to take the throne, forcing my hand with black magic.

The chambermaid that had been bringing me food each day had said that they delivered his woman at the door, just like my plate with food. My nose twisted up in disgust at the unsavory dishes they brought me to consume and at the antics of Tybalt Drasden.

I scrubbed harder with the loofah, the fresh soap making bubbles on my skin and hiding from my sight the red scratches I was producing on my flesh. The only comfort it provided was the sting, the pain blooming and itching beneath the surface. Under the control of Zohra's magic, I did not feel. I had no control over my own body as the nasty underworld critters wove their blood magic over my limbs. Liberating, this felt like taking my control back, to have my senses returned. At least some of it, as my summoning magic was still bound by the faint control she still exerted over me.

Except for my fae wings that had grown back until reaching their full glory, I had nothing to defend myself. I had missed having them in Northern Lands, as they were part of me and it felt like they had been taken from me, cut off to not return. Now, I would gladly exchange them to be back in Zander's arms in Northern Lands. Running my little florist shop with gusto, doing what I loved.

The once warm water of the tub had gone cold, and I knew I only had limited time until the maids would come and retrieve me from these chambers. My shoulders sagged, and a sigh escaped my lips. Staff that had once served with pride the Asterin family. What was going on inside their heads now that they had to work for the Drasden's?

They had arranged my clothes on the bed when I returned from the bathroom. A gossamer bag hung from the high frame, containing a beautiful wedding dress. Embroidered with the finest crystals and pearls, the bodice shone in the twinkling warm lights of the sunrise. While the sight was enchanting, silent tears began to stream across my face.

Today was my wedding day.

To the person I ran from, to the person I loathed with all my might. Tybalt had pursued his status anyway in my absence, turning to magic for the execution of his plan. I had failed my people, and while running with the best intentions, they had dragged me back to the chaos.

This was supposed to be different. I had refused this destiny and found my fate in Zander. We should be the ones to be wed. Instead, I found myself wanting to tear the fabric apart, leave the silks and corset to shreds.

I heard a soft knocking on the other side of the door. "Are you ready, my lady? Do you require help with the gown?"

My breath stuttered in my throat, and more tears followed. I wept in my distress, sinking to the floor and dropping the towel, leaving me naked on the rug. As the maid turned the lock, my limbs became heavier. She dropped by my side and her soft hand rubbed my back, trying to console me.

I wiped my tears with the back of my hand, and at her nervous smile; I nodded. I knew she couldn't speak her thoughts aloud, but her presence and the small show of kindness sparked something in me. The gratefulness of still having allies within the castle walls fueled my determination to fight this every step. The irony of the situation was not lost on me. I hadn't been able to stop this nightmare, even if I fought daily against the mind prison that Tybalt and Zohra had captured me in.

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