Chapter 4

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Two years ago, Ilaria and I arrived on the Earth realm through a portal. While the mermaid Allanis took care of the portals from Asterion; when we arrived at the almost frozen over lake in the snowy landscape, we met her sister, Nereida.

Another beautiful mermaid, with deep sea-blue eyes, greeted us as we stepped out of the magical gateway. While her sister had tanned skin from the mild Asterion weather; Nereida was pale, a stark contrast to her soft brown locks with scarlet red strands. The water she swam in, much colder than in the Asterion lakes.

Nereida took a moment to inform us about Northern Lands, a new community on Earth where we had arrived. She confirmed Ilaria's suspicions that because of the conflicts brewing in this realm, we would be safe from the people who would try to find me. The supernaturals had faced a war with humans, making it necessary to group and create a safe haven. In abandoned lands in the North, protected by magic, we could build a normal existence for all the magical creatures wanting to stay in this realm.

Ilaria and I traveled at the perfect time. No-one would expect our arrival to be strange. We could help build this town from the beginning, use our magic to aid them in these difficult times. Magical creatures like ourselves had to flee their homes to hide from human hunters. All those lives lost, only because they didn't understand magic. Human nature was defensive, everything that was different considered a threat.

As we built the town from nothing, Ilaria and I became part of it. We kept our cover, fully taking on the name Calandra, which was similar to my real name. With my fae heritage, I opened a florist shop, where I grew beautiful plants and flowers. I also procured a grand assortment of herbs for the witches and warlocks, for their brews and spells.

Witches and warlocks came from the Shadow Isles, a realm that was known for dark nights, harvest celebrations, equinox and solstice. Most visited during Samhain to celebrate one of the most sacred festivities. It was the moment when new pupils of the magical craft were presented with the opportunity to find a familiar on the last night of October.

Their magic differed from the arcane enchantments that the mages from Asterion used. Potion brewing and altar magic needed a variety of ingredients that were hard to find in the North. Hence, that's where my fae skills came in handy.

Ilaria opened her bookstore with a small library. A place where people could read the donated books or buy the new ones that Ilaria curated herself from all over the realms to bring to her store. She offered her knowledge to the people of Northern Lands, no-one the wiser; she had been a star alumni of the mages of the Asterion court.

Everything had been going extremely well these two years. I was far from home, but found a house I could call my own, a friendly and safe town with all the necessities for magical creatures, and I had my best friend by my side. I never expected to have it all turned upside down in one night.

Ilaria and I went out to listen to a new band at the Drunk Kraken. We had some great fun, dancing to the catchy leprechaun tunes and laughing as we shared a glass. That was, until Abraxas showed up drunk in the parking lot, scaring the hell out of me and being pushy for the umpteenth time about going on a date with him.

After being forced into an arranged marriage that made me flee my own realm, I had had enough of relationships. Sure, I wanted to find someone someday, but I never expected to find out I was mated to a werewolf.

I hadn't slept a wink since I peeled my eyes away from Zander Krys.

After arriving home last night, I just paced the shop back and forth. I was on my fourth cup of herbal tea and still couldn't find rest in my head. In the eerie silence of the night, I swear I heard a wolf howl in the distance. A cry that reached me through bone and marrow, chilling my spine and feeding the pit in my stomach.

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