Chapter 11

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Instinctively, I jumped in front of Calandra, shielding her with my body from the unknown threat. Her hands closed around my biceps, peeking from behind me at the aquarium. The flickering lights that had come from the crystalline depths of water had died down, the transporting magic vanishing from the pool of water simultaneously.

Namir, the skinwalker, activated a panel in the woodwork. It led to an adjacent staircase that climbed to the top of the aquarium. The mermaid swam towards the opening and then they both disappeared from sight.

The fact it had been designed this way made me wonder if Ilaria had this in mind from the moment they moved to Northern Lands. A sort of direct link to the mermaid from the lake. The one whose teleporting magic had initially brought them here; a contingency plan in case they were found.

Ilaria locked eyes with me, searching for Calandra. Her stance had turned serious and calculating, glancing now and then at the passageway Namir had disappeared to. She was trying to keep her face impassive for Calandra's sake, but I had noticed the fear flickering in the depths of her eyes at the appearance of the mermaid.

We waited with bated breath for their return. Calandra's fingernails pinched uncomfortably as she tightly held onto my arm. Her heart thumped quickly, her erratic breath skating against the skin exposed from my shirt.

The soft clinging of bells sounded from a distance. My enhanced wolf's hearing picked up everything in the vicinity. Not much later, shining purple eyes reflected from the dark staircase.

As she approached in cat form, Namir waited at the door for the unannounced guest to appear, purring a request to Ilaria with a nod of her feline head.

Ilaria sped away to Namir's side, just in time to offer the unsteady mermaid an arm to use as a crutch. She wobbled on her human feet. Wrapped in the tunic that Namir had been wearing earlier, her fishtail had disappeared in place for human legs. It was clear that she hadn't used them for some time.

"I haven't walked on shorelegs in a while," her soft voice resounded like a lullaby in the room as she smiled sheepishly at Ilaria and Namir.

"Don't worry about it, Nereida," Ilaria said as she guided her to the couch. Namir jumped on Nereida's lap as soon as she sat down, resting her head on her paws. She had the perfect seat to see us all.

I followed their lead and sat on the opposing sofa, tugging Calandra's body close to mine as I nestled her beside me, my arm encircling her waist. She was still anxious, and afraid of the implications of Nereida's visit. I could feel it coursing through the mate-bond. My presence calmed her down, but I wished I could take away the worries that plagued her.

"You've met Calandra, and sitting next to her is her mate, Zander." Ilaria made quick introductions.

"Werewolf Gamma?" Nereida asked me, her deep sea-blue eyes assessing me.

I nodded briefly, my stance conveying the need to speed up the conversation. Conan and I were on a fine tether of control, the need to protect our mate clouding our senses. My jaw crunched as my molars ground together, trying to control the urges of my wolf spirit.

"I'm sorry," Nereida exclaimed in her melodic tune, slamming her hand over her mouth. "Congratulations." She paused, her eyes dropping to the ground, afraid to utter her next words. "I believe you are in danger, Calithea Asterin."

The fierce protectiveness took over my senses and a growl from Conan left my lips. My hand wrapped tighter around my mate's body, my yellow eyes gleaming as my wolf pushed to the surface.

Knowing who was after Calandra, and what he wanted from her, had my rage flaring. My muscles grew taut, the control on Conan a thread waiting to snap.

"Tell us." Ilaria grabbed the mermaid's hand in hers, rubbing soothing circles, offering her strength to lean on. "And don't leave out any details."

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