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Hey, sorry about no recent updates I been really sick recently, still am sick but I should have two more chapters out soon, but try to to expect much.

No pov

Kurotori: Master suou, I've been scouting the area for a while now, seems like the fallen is leaving for a important mission soon, the perfect time to strike will be tomorrow night. I believe I can handle this on my own but I wouldn't mind a few men just in case he comes home early.

Suou: hn, I'll send 10 men. Just make sure the job is done.

Kurotori: Of course master whenever have I failed you?

Time skip- the night of the next day. Rhys pov

Rhys: (my familiar returned, a few men seem to be preparing around a small home rear a forest, a home owned by the himejima clan. Further more a child, around the age around of me and Rias, and who I'm guessing is her mother. I've seen no signs of any fallen father around. Hn..I'm guessing their going to kill the child and take the mother away or kill her..ugh I better go and stop this)

Cysgod: (I would advise you to take caution, I doubt they'd only send mere weaklings with the chance of a angry fallen angel returning)

Rhys: (don't worry I'll be alright, It just wouldn't sit right with me to let two people simply die..and it may sound wrong but there's chance Rias may get her first piece..)

Rhys summons and throws on his clothes fit for fighting. He makes his way into the forests quitly and quickly in order to make his way to the home. Minutes past and he arrives set on a tall tree some feet away.

Rhys: *looks around* (Alright

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Rhys: *looks around* (Alright..seems to be a handful of men..no big deal I guess I can take the out silently and..wait I sense somebody else..partner what about you?)

Cysgod: (yes..somebody far stronger is with them his power is fairly strong for a human...tread carefully my boy.)

Rhys: (Well that made this difficult I guess I need to make this quick)

Rhys drops down from the trees, landing behind the ground of men, startling them and quickly activating his sacred gear using the shadows to trap them all

Rhys then, in a instant takes out his sword to hack and slash past them all, the men never stood a chance against him and fell with no effort

Rhys: Alright..that's done I'm guessing. Time to make my way into the house...I sense that man inside was well..

Kurotori pov, inside the home of Shuri Himejima

Kurotori pov, inside the home of Shuri Himejima

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