short chapter again sorry

407 15 5

We last left off with Rhys being captured by Ophis, the infinite dragon god, and taken to an undisclosed location. being tortured until he gave in to her demands, days upon day pass untill she realized no harm done to the boy would work so she threatend his family and due to the unbeliveabe power of the dragon he gave in. In order to prove his.. loyaltyhe was tasked with killing a high-class devil and given 1 week to do so..

Rhys pov

Rhys: fucking hell..I don't know what to do..*grasps his head*

Cysgod: partner there' other choice her power is unbeatable there's not a devil alive who can match's the life of a high class devil or the life of all those you hold dear. even then you may never see them again, you'd be hunted and shunned..

Rhys: So..there's no real option for me..the choice is clear. I have a week, ill spend it the best I can..

Cysgod: ill be here if you need me partner.

Rhys: Thank you my friend.

1 hour time skip.

Grayfia: RHYS!!! *hugs him* where did you go! You've been missing for days on end. We all been searching for you.

The usually silent and serious woman let her emotions show

Rhys: Hey..Grayfia, I'm sorry, really I am, I am, I've just been extremely stressed as of late and needed time alone. Forgive me for not informing any of you all. It won't happen again.

Grayfia: I see, Rhys. I've just been so worried, everyone has, I'm sure they'd like to know you're home, but before that what's really going on with you, you're in my peerage afterall and I practically raised you, I can tell when something is wrong, I know if you're lying.

Rhys: *sighs and combs hands through hair* It's something that'll be best discussed with SirZech present as well.

Grayfia: mhm, if the matter is that serious, very well, he'll be around today. The Phoenix Family is coming to visit.

Rhys: The Phoenix? Why's that, I see no real reason for them to come visit the Gremory.

Grayfia: Rias..and the younger son, Riser are engaged and from the looks of it Rias is unhappy about it, but there's no backing out of the marigage contract as of now..

Rhys: ugh..another problem. Alright, well, let's go meet Riser Phoenix, I guess.

Alright, so questions, does Rhys kill Riser or another high-class devil, and if so who?

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕼𝖚𝖊𝖊𝖓 𝖔𝖋 𝕷𝖚𝖈𝖎𝖋𝖚𝖌𝖊 𝕯𝖝𝕯 Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz