chapter 16

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"jack and delia, this is where you'll be staying and luke this is your room," quinn pointed to where they would be staying. they had been hanging out in the living room the past hour and a half and were all starting to get a bit sleepy.

luke said, "i don't know about you guys, but i'm exhausted! i'll see you guys in the morning!" luke went off to his room, leaving the other three standing into the hallway. they were all standing in silence.

quinn coughed, "okay, well i'll leave you two alone. my room is right down the hall if you guys need me for whatever reason." quinn walked back to his room and jack led delia into theirs.

as much as jack loved being alone with delia and usually tried taking advantage of that, he was far too sore and tired to try anything. he changed quickly into his sleepwear and collapsed onto the bed. delia giggled at the sight of her boyfriend completely passed out. she quickly did the same and hopped into bed.

in jack's sleep, he instinctively wrapped his arms around her. normally, this would make delia feel safe and comfortable to the point where she would instantly fall asleep. tonight she couldn't though. maybe it was the new environment or the fact she was still on a high from meeting his family, but delia could not fall asleep. she closed her eyes and prayed she would, but her heart kept racing. she knew she needed to sleep as well. all that interacting had drained her social battery and she needed to recharge.

an hour had passed when delia had enough. her heart felt like it was thumping out her chest. she couldn't tell if it was anxiety or what, but she knew it wasn't good. it was clear to her she wasn't going to fall asleep any time soon. maybe if she woke up jack he would be able to help.

"jack!" delia tried shaking her boyfriend awake.

he groaned, "i'm sleeping!" his face burrowed into his pillow.

delia sighed, "just give me five minutes, i just need to hear your voice." this time, jack didn't even respond because he had already fallen back asleep. she sat up and grabbed her phone. she thought about texting one of her friends but saw the time and realized none of them would be up.

"shit!" delia whispered. she ran a hand through her hair. the fact she didn't have a plan to help calm her down was making her anxiety go through the roof. then, she remembered that jack gave her quinn's number. it was a long shot, but maybe, by the grace of god, he was still awake.

delia hovered over quinn's contact before finally tapping on it. she wrote out a message saying, "hey quinn! it's delia! i know it's kinda late but i was wondering if you were still up?" she pressed send and waiting impatiently for a response. she quite literally had nothing better to do.

five minutes later, her phone lit up. on the screen it read a message from quinn. she silently thanked god and read what he said. quinn sent, "oh, hey! yeah i'm up, what's wrong?"

she responded lighting fast and replied, "i'm just having some problems sleeping. would you be able to talk?" at this point, delia was exhausted, so she didn't even bother double checking what she said.

"yeah, i can meet you in the living room if that works for you," her phone lit up again. she wrote back a "yep!" before leaving her and jack's room.

she shut the door behind her and walked down the hallway to the living room. when she entered the room, she already saw quinn sitting on the couch. he was already looking at her and noticed something was wrong with her. 

"are you okay, delia?" quinn asked genuinely concerned, walking over to the sleep deprived girl. she looked like she could faint at any second. he grabbed her arm and took her to the couch. he then quickly grabbed her a glass of water.

after taking some sips of water, she responded, "i don't know, but my heart keeps pounding out of my chest. it almost feels like i'm having an anxiety attack. i think i just need someone to distract me, so i can fall asleep."

at this point, quinn was sitting next to her, watching her every move like she was about to break at any second. quinn asked, "not to sound like a jerk or anything, but why isn't jack taking care of this?" 

delia rolled her eyes, "your brother decided sleep is more important." 

quinn chuckled, "that sounds like jack! he hates it when people wake him up!" this caused delia to laugh as well. quinn added, "do you think any of this has to do with meeting my family today?"

"i don't think so. i mean, i love your family! you guys are great and i feel super comfortable around you guys! i honestly don't know why this is happening. typically, i can pinpoint why i'm having an anxiety attack," she explained. 

quinn did not want to make this worst by any means. he knew she wanted him to distract her and that's what he planned on doing. "well, if it makes you feel any better, i'm pretty sure my family loves you too. luke already loved you before you guys even met. you have no idea how excited he was to meet you in person. luke hasn't shut up about you since that one time you guys facetimed him. clearly, my mom likes you. she doesn't just invite girls to dinner all the time. i saw you guys talking up in the suite. she likes you. my dad is a bit harder to read, but my mom and him are usually on the same page. there's not a single doubt in my mind that my entire family loves you," quinn said to the girl who had managed to find herself leaning on quinn's shoulder. 

delia yawned, "what about you?" 

"i think you're amazing! i see why jack likes you. i just wish that–" he cut himself off when he realized that delia had fallen asleep on him.

he sighed, "i just wish i had met you first." and with that, he fell asleep with his head on delia's.

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