chapter 19

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delia and cole arrived to cole's apartment after what felt like forever. the roads decided to not be in their favor, so they were stuck in traffic for quite a while. when they got out of the car, both of them had to stretch their legs.

"i have never seen such bad traffic in this area before," cole remarked.

delia laughed, "it must be because people knew i was coming!" cole shook his head and opened his front door.

the two entered cole's apartment and immediately headed towards the couch. delia left her luggage in the entry way and decided she would move it to the guest room later. she laid across the couch, leaving cole just a small square to sit on. he hit her leg and she sat back up and grinned at him.

"so, delia i know there's something that you need to talk to me about, but you're not wanting to address it," cole quirked his eyebrow at the blonde.

delia crossed her arms, "i don't know what you're talking about." cole gave her a look and she sighed. "why do you know me so well?" she cried out in frustration.

"because i'm your therapist!" cole chuckled. delia knew cole was right. he almost always was.

delia groaned, "you're right! there's something that's been bothering me and i can't tell if i'm overthinking it or not."

cole sat up straight and turned to fully face her. his body language made it so she could tell he was ready to hear what she had to say. "okay, what's going on?" cole asked.

"there's just been something off between me and jack. i can't tell what it is and emery thought it was lack of sex, so she told me to have sex with him. jack and i did when we last saw each other but—" delia was cut off by cole.

cole started to gag, "please, spare me the details of the two of you hooking up! i don't need to know about my best friend in bed!"

"first of all, i wasn't going to! second of all, let me continue," she death glared. cole rolled his eyes in response but remained to sit there quietly. she continued, "what i was going to say was things just don't feel right even after we had sex. emery thought that it would fix things and maybe it momentarily did, but there's just some weird disconnect. am i going crazy?"

cole scoffed, "you went to emery first instead of me?! that was your first mistake!" delia laughed. cole always knew how to lighten the mood and she appreciated that about him.

"but with that being said, i don't think you're crazy. you know your relationship better than i do. if you say something is off, then i believe you. i wonder if jack has noticed it. have you asked jack about it? do you know if he feels the same way?" cole added.

delia shook her head and responded, "no, i haven't mentioned it to him. like i said, prior to this, i kinda just assumed everything got thrown off because i was meeting his family, but even afterwards it didn't feel right. i felt like i was forcing it at times. i'm kinda scared to talk to him about it though. what if he gets mad at me and he breaks up with me?"

cole's eyes softened at her words, "delia, this is something that needs to be talked between the two of you. i understand your fear, but if it's not working, then it needs to be addressed. and in all honesty, if this is something that can't be fixed, it's better you guys break up sooner rather than later. do you realize how miserable you would be if you continued to drag this out? i say this assuming the issue can't be fixed. jack's a good guy, you know that. i'm sure if you talk to him you guys can work through this."

"you're right, i just need to talk about this to jack. i'm going to hate it, but communication is key. i hate when you're right!" delia responded.

cole laughed, "when have i ever been wrong?" delia shrugged.

shortly after, cole turned on some movie. neither one were fully paying attention, they were using it more as background noise to them joking around. suddenly, cole's eyes lit up as he remembered something. "i forgot about this until just now, but what was actually up with you and quinn?" cole questioned.

delia was confused as to why he just remembered but replied nonetheless, "well, like i said, i was having problems falling asleep and jack was refusing to help, so i texted quinn. thankfully, quinn was still up and we met up in the living room. he was reassuring me that his family liked me when i fell asleep on his shoulder. he was able to put me to sleep, that's all that happened."

"i didn't doubt that, i was just wondering what he said that was able to calm you down. i'm surprised that being with jack didn't put your anxiety to rest. doesn't that usually work?" cole said.

"yeah, usually just being around jack lifts my spirits. i don't know what's going on, cole. right now, i'd rather just have some fun with you and deal with this later. i'll talk to jack, don't worry," delia replied.

it was clear that delia was done talking about it. she got what she needed to hear and was going to talk to jack about it. cole dropped the subject, but that didn't stop him from thinking about what she said. he had a gut feeling he knew what was going on, but he would never say it to her. cole was going to wait and see if he was correct.

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