chapter 21

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delia didn't say a word to her uber driver the entire ride. her driver dropped her off at jamie and trevor's place and she grabbed her suitcase quickly. she marched up to the front door, not caring about whatever her driver was saying to her. she couldn't think and all she wanted was to be with jamie. before she could even make it known that she was there, the front door swung open. low and behold, it was alex turcotte.

"i know you said you would see me next time at a party, but i thought you might've wanted to see me sooner," alex gave delia a smile. she tried her hardest to return one. it wasn't that she wasn't happy to see him, but she didn't like the circumstances.

delia tried to reply to alex but no words came out. instead, she wrapped him in a hug to which he immediately reciprocated. trevor, jamie, and emery saw her hugging alex and decided to join in.

"okay, let's move this to couch. i'm getting tired of standing," emery broke the group hug. as a result, everyone moved over into the living room.

delia had still not said a word and jamie was starting to worry. the last time he heard from her, she was sobbing and having a mental breakdown. it completely broke him to hear her like that. jamie knew she needed to be surrounded by friends. it would at least put her in a good mood temporarily. part of jamie had also hoped that delia would open up about what happened. delia had not given anyone any details about what went down, just that they had broken up.

"do you want to watch a movie?" trevor offered. delia only nodded her head. trevor threw her the remote and she went straight to disney+. jamie knew exactly what she was putting on. like he had predicted, delia pulled up tangled just like she did when she was upset when they were younger.

jamie smiled, "i see old habits never die."

delia genuinely smiled back. unlike the other times, she actually talked. delia responded, "this movie is a masterpiece and no one can tell me otherwise!"

the group got settled on the couch. delia was in between jamie and emery. trevor and alex were on the other side of jamie, having some 'bro time' as they put it. delia ended up watching the movie leaning against jamie. she had missed her cousin deeply.

halfway through the movie, delia grabbed the remote and paused tangled. alex jumped up from the couch and yelled, "we were just getting to the good part!"

"i think i'm ready to talk about the break up," delia looked at the ground while completely ignoring alex.

jamie questioned, "are you sure? you really don't have to just because we're all here."

"i need to," delia looked directly into jamie's eyes. she continued, "i apologize if i end up crying, i've been emotional over the past couple of hours."

emery rubbed delia's back and told her, "it's okay, we're all here for you. just remember that."

delia closed her eyes and began to tell them, "things between jack and i have just been off recently. in the beginning, i didn't really think much of it. i chalked everything up to it being from the anxiety and stress of meeting his parents. i didn't get any better after meeting his family, so i knew it was an actual issue and it wasn't just me being paranoid. i talked to cole about the situation and everything that happened at quinn's and he told me that i needed to talk to jack. i took cole's advice and decided to talk to jack. i thought maybe he felt it too or at least would want to try to fix it or something. instead, he made the decision that it was better to just break up. he said that if we're meant to be, then we'll find our ways back to each other." at this point, delia was back to crying.

the four of them sat there shocked, although emery is the least shock since she already knew about some of the situation prior. trevor was the first to speak up, "jack really didn't even try to save the relationship?" delia nodded.

alex was on the same wavelength as trevor and added, "that doesn't seem like him. he fights for things."

"guys, i really don't know. i just feel like an awful human being. maybe i should have kept my mouth shut and maybe it would have fixed itself out eventually. i feel like i lost part of myself," delia sniffled.

jamie wiped delia's eyes, "no, you did the right thing. if you continued this way without bringing it up, then you would be in the wrong. i'm so proud of you! it's going to suck right now, but you did the right thing in the end."

emery interjected, "and you have us to fall back on!"

delia loved the people in front of her. the group would be complete if cole was here, but she knew he couldn't fly across the continent right now. delia smiled at her friends and knew their words were true. it might not be pretty, but she knew she was going to make it through the storm.

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