Settling in

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— Daniel's pov —

It's been a week since bringing Essie home and I almost can't believe how well she's settling in. Especially since we've had a continuous stream of deliveries coming in. It's all for her and she seems to love opening the parcels and trying out what's inside every time, she really loves to explore.

Speaking of exploring, I'm pretty sure she knows every nook and crevice of the house and garden now. Her and Dash have bonded super well. I think she finds a lot of comfort cuddling Dash and having him sit next to her for company. She hasn't taken much notice of Johnny, him being at work all the time doesn't help but hopefully when he's next on work leave the two of them will start to properly bond.

I still can't get over how settled she is. I really thought she would kick up such a fight knowing her, cheeky rascal.

I wonder, and worry, has she truly settled in? or is she in survival mode? I think I can keep her in for a few more days but at some point we've got to go food shopping. I'm really nervous about taking her anywhere outside the house. As the overstimulation or newness of it all could cause her to meltdown. But I can't keep her locked up forever. I will try my best to take it baby steps with her, and help her desensitise to her new local area. Taking her on holiday anywhere will be interesting but unlike most I love a challenge, keeps life so much more interesting. It would be so boring if everything went straight forward.

( a ball runs across the floor towards Daniel's feet. Dash runs after the ball at full speed before crashing into Daniel knocking them both over falling as a pile onto the floor. Essie laughs and flaps her hands at the scene).

Daniel - *sighs* seems like they've been playing fetch again.

Little Rascal :)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz