Behind the scenes

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——Daniel's pov (1 month ago)———

I have been wanting a little for my own for a long time now but despite the numerous events I've attended at different adoption centres I havn't managed to find the right one yet. I was doing my usual browsing online and I decide to check the elite centre to see if they have any new littles available. I scroll down on the computer. Johnny pops his head in the office, "You treasure hunting again mate." "Yea I am." I reply.
Johnny comes over and looks at the screen. He has known during this whole journey about how much I long to have a little of my own. He has been my best friend through it all, the highs of excitement and lows of disappointment. He too really likes the idea of me getting a little as he likes the idea of becoming 'funny uncle Johnny'.

As I'm scrolling I catch a glimpse of one little girl. I stop and look at her profile futher. She has the cutest face and wonderful innocent blue doe eyes. Her name is Essie. Johnny reads as I read the page and start reading some of the reports in a folder on her page. "Woah, she has quite a few reports! Sounds like a troublemaker." Johnny says. I carry on reading as there is something about this little girl that feels, right. I am a firm believer of you will know the right one on your first meeting sort of thing. I have always found that to be true in my life. Like choosing my dog. I just knew from first meeting he was the right dog for me and my household. Same with Johnny, when I met him I just knew we would be best friends for life.
"I think she might be the one." Johnny straightens up in suprise. "You got that feeling huh?" "Yep."
"Well you're gonna need to get yourself trained up for this one, she's quite an unpredictable one."
"Yes and very clever, she likes to be cheeky bless her."
"Look mate! She only just arrived yesterday! These reports are all from just the journey!"
I chuckle and Johnny looks at me like I'm a mad man. "Well it's a reckless choice Daniel, but I trust you, *sighs* we're gonna have to get ourselves properly prepped for this one. There are going to be a lot of challenges head until she comes to learn the rules and boundaries here."
"*chuckles* yes I know, but it will all be worth it in the end. She just needs teaching and guidance, then she will become my cheeky little angel."
We both then realise something. It says on her profile currently unavailable for adoption?
I ring the adoption centre and They say that she's only unavailable for adoption for this week as it's her first week and they are still assessing her needs due to what they've learnt about her behaviour from the journey she's had. I am then given a briefing on what I have already read on her profile. (Probably to make sure I properly know what I'm getting myself into.) I interrupt the male titan on the other end "Yes I have read all documents and I'd still like to very much be kept up to date with reports and other documentation for Essie."
"Okay sir, we will send you via email of reports and any other need to know documents for this first week. If you are still interested after this week we will book you in for the next viewing event next month. We will also arrange a private meeting to descuss Essie's unique needs and requirements for living beforehand."
"Thank you very much. I look forward to this." (The titan ends the conversation and hangs up.)
I am overjoyed by this news! Most titans don't get to even hear about the littles nor get a chance of starting the potential adoption process when a little is currently declared unavailable for adoption.
I call Johnny and tell him the great news. He cheers and celebrates with me by patting me on the back.
"Shall we have a bottle to celebrate!" Jonny says. "Yea get me a glass ready of the red in the pantry. I'll be on the computer. I go back to looking at the screen and look more carefully at Essie's data collected from her holo watch. SHe really loves her interactive toys and music. Her favourite colour is red and she prefers things with bright bold colours. She loves multi sensory things and has liked a lot of special rooms called sensory rooms and soft play rooms. Oh she likes dogs! She's probably going to get on really well with Dash then! She is quite the disney fan too. Johnny then comes with my glass and I leave the office as we have a drink together by the kitchen unit. We clink our glasses together and cheers to potentially promising times ahead.

—At the end of the week—

"Yep she really is a cheeky one. Bless her, she has a lot to learn about boundaries and abiding rules." I say to Johnny as we both read on all the latest reports that had been sent to me over this week. "We're going to need to put a lot of safety measures in place if you can bring her home." Johnny replies. I reassure Johnny that in time with good teaching and the right support for Essie she will become a lot better and Johnny agrees to this. I can understand why he feels doubtful of Essie being a good match considering that she has this reputation as being 'a challenging little' however I know that if I do get allowed to adopt her His excitement of a new little joining the household will take over. I think we are a good match for Essie as we are both active titans and have plenty of experience with dealing with either challenging people and or challenging situations. We'll be fine, it will be tricky, but we'll be fine.
I reply back through email saying I'm still interested in Essie. They give me the event and meeting date and it was also mentioned that if things go well and Essie accepts me then we will have an extra meeting arranged with Essie involved both as confirmation of Essie's and my choice and to finialise plans for ensuring Essie's successful transition to a new life with me and her new lifestyle. We will need to make referrals for money and special equipment to help us out due to her additional needs to make sure everything for Essie's needs are met.

—-The day of the event—-

It's afternoon and I am in the playroom. The littles are about to be released. I look very keenly at the entrance just like all the rest of the titans. There is a flurry of littles flood into the room but I don't see Essie. I look at the other littles but none of them catch my eye. then suddenly as if instinct took over, I looked to the door again and there was Essie with 2 titans.
Aw bless her she looks so nervous. i can tell by the way she moves around the room that she hates crowds. I stay back as I want to give her time to adjust to the change of environment. She travels a bit before looking back at the 2 titans and did some sort of hand signal to them. One of the titans gives her some headphones and she does another hand signal before walking futher down the playroom. She plays with some music equipment and I enjoy watching her play from my spot in the crowd. I see her glance at me but only very quickly. When she moves into a domed shaped part of the climbing frame I decide to make my move.
Our first little interaction has gone so well! And as today plays out it only gets better and better. Honestly there were plenty of points where I couldn't stop smiling like an idiot with how happy I am. And when she said she wants me to be her new daddy I couldn't believe what I was hearing! I was so stunned for like a good minute until I finally snapped out of it and agreed with her. I would love to be your new daddy sounds like such an understatement. She has no idea how long and hard I have tried not just to get any little but the right little for me. She is such a bundle of sunshine and her adventurous spirit is infectious to me. Essie is the cutest, most innocent little girl I have ever layed my eyes upon and I will feel I have inherited a kingdom to have Essie as my new daughter.
I was impressed by her understanding and intelligence as she obeyed me when I took her reins off in the woods. She has behaved so well for me. I wonder why she is treating me different because I have noticed that it's not just her 2 caregiver titans she doesn't listen too but any titan who speaks to her in that building. Dinnertime particulary I have heard have been challenging times with Essie's behaviour but she was an angel eating so well for me. She is a messy eater bless her but I find that quite cute.
When my visit with Essie was over I went straight over to the office and said I'd like to adopt her.
Titan 1 - "I'm glad to hear that, we will have the confirmation meeting here tomorrow at quater past one.
I sign some forms and leave. I am glad I get to see that gorgeous little girl tomorrow. I text Johnny all the great news as I arrive back at my hotel room. I have dinner and watch some tv before I call it a night.

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