Chapter 8: Now You See Me...

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8 let out a tired yawn as he finished repairing a rapid blaster, he put down the screwdriver and stretched out his arms. He was currently at Ammo Knights helping Shelldon in fixing up weapons that were brought in for maintenance. 

It's been 5 days since 8 last heard the voice, and he wasn't sure if this was a good thing or a bad thing. Even though he was happy that the creepy whispering stopped and he hadn't had any more nightmares, there was still a feeling of dread that he couldn't shake off.

"Thanks for giving me a hand 8, sorry for asking when you just got off work." Shelldon apologized, looking up from his organization of spare parts and boxes. "I have someone else who helps but he and his team went out camping, and I got a lot of maintenance orders."

Even though the Splatoon had its rewards and benefits it didn't pay much, thanks to Pearl and Marina, 8 was able to find a part-time job at a cafe in the square. He had just gotten off work when he walked by Ammo Knights where Shelldon ambushed him, asking him for help.

"It's fine Shelldon, it was a slow day, both there and at the Splatoon." 8 shifted a yawn.

The Lab has been studying and running tests on the sludge for the past few days but hasn't yielded any results yet. Add that to the uneventful patrols and slow hours at the cafe, so he was a "little" tired.

Suddenly the automatic doors slide open, with 3 entering the semi-new relocated Ammon Knights. She was wearing shorts, a Green Zip Hoodie, Hero runners, and a Squid Hairclip.

"Hello and welcome to Ammon Knights!" Shelldon greeted, as 3 walked in.

"Hey, 3!" 8 warmly greeted, his mood lightening just seeing her.

"Hey guys," 3 smiled at them "Shelldon do you think you can take a look at my Splat Dualies? When I try to dodge roll it doesn't give enough boost to help roll and doesn't give any increased fire rate."

"I'll take a look," Shelldon said, as 3 handed him the Splat Dualies "Please feel free to look around while you wait." 

While Shelldon went into the curtained-off back area to work on the Dualies, 3 struck up a conversation 8.

"So, decided to pick up another part-time job?" 3 teased, folding her arms on the counter.

"I'm just helping out," he smirked at her while putting away the rapid blaster "Shelldon ambushed me when I was walking home, the guy who helps him, uh, Rider? He and his team went out camping."

"Well, that explains that so how's your arm doing?"

"Still hurts, but it's healing, and no signs of infection so that's a plus."

8 held up his left arm, he had changed the bandages before leaving for work and bought more from the pharmacy. He'd been keeping a close eye on it since the incident, he mostly got doused by this 'commander's sludge' after the glass tore his arm. He was worried about the effects of it, but the voice only lasted for a day and his arm hasn't turned pale green.

8 walked over to the pile of boxes that Shelldon was organizing and picked up a crate filled with Splate bombs. 

"Anyways, I'm gonna start putting some of these boxes away since Shelldon's working on your Dualies."

"Let me give you hand," 3 insisted, picking up a box filled with spare shooter parts.


8 lend 3 down the same hallway Shelldon took that lead to his workshop and the storage rooms, 8 walked into the smaller of the two and pointed over toward one of the middle shelves.

"Just put it over there,"


As 3 walked over to the shelf, 8 scanned the other shelves trying to figure out where to put the splat bombs. Shelldon being a weapons expert and creator, had a particular way he organized the parts, weapons, and sub-weapons. 8 didn't blame him though, Shelldon worked with sensitive weapons that have strong properties and sub-bombs that could easily cause a chain reaction if set off.

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