Chapter 14: Back To The Underground We Go

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3 covered her mouth as she let out a big yawn.

3, Becca, Leo, and 4 were on the graffitied subway train in the Deepsea Metro. As usual, the train's cars were filled with different sea creatures. Becca and Leo wore the same hoodies from the last mission, ensuring the hood covered their faces.

After the "double date," 8 walked 3 home. 8 talked about some of the movie scenes while 3 just blanky nodded. In truth, after 8 put her arm around her, she barely paid attention to the movie.

Even when home alone and in bed, she couldn't stop the warm feelings and the hundreds of thoughts rushing through her head. She didn't get much sleep because of it, and the steady movement of the train was only egging her on.

"Can you guys hear us, okay?" Catherine's voice crackled over the radio headset, startling 3.

"We hear yea," Bec replied, straightening out the strap of her gear bag.

"Loud and clear," 4 added.

The rest of the Lab Team were back at base. Cat and Jeremy were handling the lines while Geno and Cassie were preparing a room for the soon-to-arrive "patient." 8 wanted to wait for the others, but he had to work at his part-time job.

"The main lab should still have some power, so you won't have to search in the dark. If things get a little crazy in getting a patient, use the tranquilizer gun." Cat explained, looking over her notes on her laptop.

"Expect I didn't get one," Bec grumbled.

"It's because we know you, Becca," Leo said, not missing a beat. 4 chuckled as Becca stuck her tongue out at Leo. 3 smiled while rolling her eyes, knowing how trigger-happy Becca was.

Eventually, the train stopped at the team's destination. 3 strapped on her ink tank as the others stepped onto the platform, heading straight toward the roped-off tunnel. Thankfully, the overhead lights were still working.

"So, what exactly is the lab like?" 4 asked, trying to fill the void.

"There's a mini room connected to the real deal. Will have to cross there first to get to the main area." 3 explained, looking around the dimly lit tunnel.

"There's also a lot of busted up machines, the secret room, and that testing room..." Bec trailed off, kicking an empty soda can.

4's eyes grew wide. "Wait, testing-"

"Uh, guys?" Leo spoke up, getting everyone's attention. He pointed to the wall.

The door that was originally open was no longer a door. The door was leaning on its only attached thing; it was dented and bent at the edges and the center. They all stared, unable to comprehend what they were looking at.

"It wasn't like this last time," Bec said, screening the door up and down. "Who did this?"

"Let's hope we don't find out," 4 said, inspecting the room before venturing in.

3 hung back as the others followed 4, not helping but keeping an eye on the back. After seeing the door, she felt uneasy. Noticing she was apart, Leo let the other move ahead.

"You okay, 3?" he asked in a low voice, and 3 shook her head.

"Not sure," she said. "It was only one sanitized last time, but keep your guard up."

Leo nodded as he joined back with the gang. The lab was still in disarray when they were last here, save for a few open cabinets.

"Cat was right; the lights still work," Becc said, stepping over some broken glass as they walked through the hallway.

Infectious Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें