In the Wider Universe...

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In the wider universe, everyone is but a cog in the Creator's grand plan. Everyone has a part to play...

Rise of the Deuls

"He will assure the Rise of the Deuls."

The Chosen One has been revealed. From across Laniakea, hunters journey to Earth to seek this boy of prophecy. Some wish to kill him, and deny him destiny. Others wish to capture him, and use him for their own purposes.

For the first time in 12000 years, Earth will become the centre of attention and the planet might not yet be ready to dabble in the politics of the Wider Universe.

The Last Ranger

Once the Rangers were beacons of Hope. Now they are gone...

Since Claudia Monroe could remember, she wished to leave the small, isolated colony of Sanctuary F-19 to become an adventurer. On the Day of Happenings, her wish would become a reality. When unknown attackers appear at her home, she and her father, Herschel must journey to Sanctuary Prime and hunt those who want them dead.

But Herschel has his own secrets, secrets that would reveal his and Claudia's tragic past, and impact the course of their lives and others.

Unbroken Curiosity

The Isolated Galaxies hold many secrets. In the aftermath of the Great War, many worlds were forgotten, their people dead, and their secrets hidden.

On her maiden voyage, the Unbroken Curiosity, a top-of-the-line exploration frigate, is sent into the unknown to rediscover what was lost. On a mission for the extravagant and faithful Lord Byron Cobalt, the Curiosity journeys to the lost world of Gaill Prime to recover House Cobalt's ancient riches.

What seemed to be a clear-cut mission is soon complicated by the presence of heretical zealots, ancient threats and conflict erupting between the newly formed crew.

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