The Day of Happenings

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The city of Alkiel was very different from Sanctuary or Elysium Station. On a large hill overlooking the city stood Allamar Castle, the seat of High King Allamar. Despite its dull grey stonework and ageing red roof tiles, the ancient castle looked magnificent. The city itself looked old, with buildings made from cobblestone with thatch roofs. Instead of cars, the city's busy dirt and stone roads were filled with animals for transportation. The people varied in shape, colour, and size and moved about like characters in a fairytale. The World of Kingdom was known for being trapped in the Middle Ages. The only thing modern about the planet was its small terminal. Unlike the Grand Terminals on Sanctuary and beyond, Kingdom's terminal had two docking bays for larger vessels and one landing pad with space for ten shuttles.

Ashan Stokes sat on a stone bench just outside the terminal, looking at the castle and animals and the people going about their business. She could not help but smile. Even after everything that happened, she still found other worlds and people intriguing. Sanctuary was nothing like Elysium, and Kingdom was nothing like Sanctuary. She suddenly became aware of the man sitting next to her. Elias Vash smiled at her. She smiled back.

"It was a dream of mine to visit this world." He said quietly. "The world trapped in time."

"It is gorgeous." She looked at the city. It was smaller than Sanctuary City, she realised. She could see the borders of the city clearly from the bench. "But I do miss home." She said in a softer tone.

"I know that feeling." The writer removed a notebook from his pocket.

"You can use my name..." Ashan said after a moment.

"No... I will tell the universe what happened on that ship. But I will not use your name... Or the name of the other victims. I owe them that. Even Shaw" He smiled a sad smile. Ashan still cringed at that name, however. She knew what he did. Forgive me. His voice echoed in her head. Maybe someday I will...

They sat together in silence.

"Ms Stokes. Mr. Vash." Siegfried Mastercraft joined them at the bench. He looked tired. The last week onboard the Dionysus was not kind to him. It was not kind to anyone. At least that nightmare is over now. "Sadly, I could not find you a ship."

"Then... How are we supposed to go home?" Ashan sounded panicked. I need to get back!

"Do not worry. I have contracted a ship for tomorrow. The problem with today is... " Well, you know what today is."

Ashan nodded. Today was the Day of Happenings. The day the Chosen One was supposedly born. Ashan did not believe it, though.

"Well, you are not from Virgo, per se. I do not know how you celebrate this day beyond Andromeda, but this side of the Gateway, the people hold parades and festivals." The number of people on the city's streets began to make sense to Ashan now. They were preparing for a festival or something. "Today, these fools will enjoy themselves. Tomorrow they will work, whether their head can handle it or not!" Siegfried laughed. Ashan could not help but smile.

Elias closed his notebook. "Well, I cannot say no to this festival as long as there are fireworks." The writer stood. "But the problem with festivals are... The hotels are full."

"Inns." Siegfried corrected. "Do not bother. I have arranged with High King Allamar. You will stay in the castle tonight."

"The castle?" Ashan stood, shocked.

"Aye. The Castle. It is the least you two deserve. I, however, must leave you here."


"I have business elsewhere on this world—a dinner, to be precise. I bid you both farewell. Ms Stokes, it was a pleasure." Ashan bowed. "Mr. Vash. Come visit me once you have finished your book; I am sure the Dwarven people will love it." Elias only nodded goodbye. Siegfried disappeared into a crowd, deeper into the terminal.

"The Castle?" Ashan echoed.

"Come." Elias smiled. "Let us get some enjoyment from this trip." He started for the castle.

"Let us hope," Ashan said, following him. Suddenly she stopped and shivered. She felt eyes on her. She glanced around and saw nothing. My imagination. That is all it is. She hurried along to catch up with Elias.


He was dressed in a pitch-black cloak, observing the people on the terminal. Even with his suspicious appearance, the people seemed to miss him. His eyes were fixed on the pale, dark-haired girl. Can it be? He wondered. There is a glow about her... She is... Different... "A Perfect gift..." He muttered to himself.

He knew his master would enjoy spilling her blood.

Without being seen, the cloaked figure began to follow her—all the way to the castle.

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