Chapter 4: Pauli

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"I do not understand!" The girl was weeping. "He seemed fine this morning..."

Siegfried knelt next to the body of a young man. He was a nobody, a technician. The technician was still in uniform; grey overalls with the ship's name woven into the fabric, both on the overall's back and at the breast. He was an elf with short purple hair. It was the blood that drew Siegfried's attention. Dried blood came from the elf's eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. Then there was the blood that covered his hands and overalls.

"Curious..." Siegfried commented.

Behind him, a brute dressed in the black armour of the Shadow Force spoke up. "The elf was sick. Clearly, he brought some plague with him. We must quarantine this deck." His name was Dyvin Dox, the sergeant of the Shadow Force onboard the Dionysus. Gallard ordered him to investigate the murder, and follow Siegfried around, who wished to do the same. "This has nothing to do with our investigation, my lord," Dox said.

"I am not your lord." Siegfried spat.

"Sorry... Siegfried." Dox bowed.

Siegfried stood, taking a glance at the contents of the elf's room. "I think you are mistaken, Sergeant Dox. This elf has everything to do with the murder."

"Di is no murderer." The girl exclaimed. "He and Pearl were friends..." Dox slapped the girl. She fell backwards into a cabinet.

"That is no way to speak to a lord!"

Siegfried walked towards the girl and offered her his hand. She looked up at him, afraid. "There is no reason to be afraid." He whispered. "This brute is a fool. Ignore him... Are you all right?" The girl nodded, taking his hand. Siegfried helped her to her feet. "Leave us." Siegfried said to Dox. Dox wanted to protest, but Siegfried was a High Lord, after all. Dox nodded and left the room.

"Tell me... Where was Di this evening?"

"Di is... was a technician. He worked outside the Gunkworks, making sure the Goblins did everything right..."

"So you do not know where he was during the murder."

The girl nodded reluctantly. "He is no murderer, my lord..."

"I know. Go to the infirmary, get some rest. I will find you if I have any more questions." As the girl left, Dox entered the room once more.

"Are you sure this dead elf is related to the murder?" He asked doubtfully.

"Aye. Find someone to test the blood on his hands and clothes. I believe that it belongs to poor old Pearl..."

Another Shadow Force soldier appeared. He was heaving, taking deep breaths as he talked. "Sir... My Lord... Someone has been attacked!"


They took Randal away through a set of revolving doors. Ashan stood frozen in place. Her heart was beating faster than ever. Yet, her breathing was slow and calm. What just happened? She wondered. She started to pace, unaware of the world around her. Why would she stab him?

"Help me..." Randal's voice echoed in her head. Blood... Gasps...Shaw...Kiss...Head on a Plater... Ashan felt sick. She backed into a wall and crumbled to the floor. She closed her eyes, trying to forget everything that happened in the last few hours. Now her breaths were less calm. Tears fell from her eyes. She was whimpering when a voice asked: "Are you all right, Ms Stokes?" She opened her eyes, wiping away tears. Through blurry eyes, she saw the dwarf, Siegfried. Next to him stood a large man dressed in black.

Ashan swallowed, trying to say something. No words came. Instead, she nodded.

"What happened to your dress?" Siegfried inquired. Ashan had forgotten about the tear. On the way to the medical bay, her dress started to fall. She quickly pulled it back into place.

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