Chapter 5: The Spark

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Help me!

Ashan awoke. Her heart was racing, and sweat was dripping from her brow. This is not how I imagined this trip going. The Dionysus pressed on. The ship had jumped through three Mass Acceleration Gates. Crossed three galaxies... How many until we reach Kingdom? Ashan wanted off. She longed for home. Longed for the stale recycled station air. Longed for her apartment. She felt so alone in her cabin.

For three days, she did not leave her room. Is it fear that holds me here? Ashan often wondered. Since Pauli's death, there have been no more killings, to Ashan's knowledge. Gallard announced that he and his team found the killer: A disgruntled technician who loved a performer named Pearl. He killed her and displayed her head for all to see as revenge. One final performance, Gallard says. But that does not explain Pauli.

A sickness claimed her, Gallard says. What sickness would force you to stab someone like that? Ashan did not want to dwell on these topics... She got out of bed, bathed, dressed in a beautiful emerald dress, and made her way to her cabin door. She reached for the handle...and froze. She caught herself shaking. Is it fear that holds me here? Ashan wondered once more.

Someone knocked. Ashan jumped, quickly composing herself. "Who is it?" She asked, trying not to sound frightened.

"Randal." A voice answered. "Randal Sharpe."

Randal? Ashan hurried to the door and opened it. There he stood as if nothing had happened. He smiled as the door opened. A smile that sent blood rushing towards Ashan's cheeks. He held a bouquet of alien flowers. "Randal..." Ashan blushed. "You are alive..."

"Thanks to you." He looked around. "May I come in?"

Butterflies filled Ashan's stomach. She was speechless. Awkwardly, she nodded. Randal only smiled, stepping into her room. "I like this blue better than the purple." He commented before handing her the bouquet. "These are for you." Ashan took the flowers. They smelled sweet. "Winter blossoms from Varres. They say it is a rare flower... Like you..."

"Thank you," Ashan said softly. "They are beautiful...:

"I only buy the best..." He took a deep breath. "I wanted to ask you to dinner...Or lunch... Gallard makes his own time; I have no idea how late it truly is..."

"I think it's morning..." Ashan smiled.

"Breakfast then?"

Ashan nodded.

"Good. I know a place or two."

Ashan placed the flowers on her bed. "Then let's go."

Arms interlocked, they made their way to the elevator. "Quite the first trip," Randal commented as they reached the elevator. He hesitated for a split second before the doors opened. "You must hate it here." Ashan nodded. They entered the elevator. "E-Deck," Randal said. The elevator doors closed. "It is not that bad, most of the time. There is something for everyone onboard if..."

"If heads don't get served on platters." Ashan interrupted. Head on a platter...Shaw...Kiss...Pauli...Knife...Help me...

"There is only one law onboard this ship. When broken, the consequences are severe, so I am told. I have made 12 trips; this is the first time someone has been killed. By the Creator... This is the first time there have been three deaths onboard."

"First time getting stabbed?" Ashan said. She sounded a little bit harsh.

"No." The elevator door opened. E-Deck was the largest deck onboard the Dionysus. To its centre was the Grand Hall. To the aft section was the casino, and to the stern was a shopping centre with many levels filled with stores of all kinds and a series of restaurants serving foods from across Laniakea. They made their way through the Grand Hall. The tables were gone now, yet guests gathered, talking amongst themselves. They moved pasted the hallway filled with paintings and walked pasted the elevator towards Docking Bays.

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