Chapter 3: An Unmissable Opportunity

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Chaos surrounded Ashan. The world around her was a blur of muffled noise and movement. Slowly she opened her eyes. Staring down at her was an angel. A creature of light against the backdrop of the ever-looming abyss. "Ms Stokes." The angel said with a pure, sweet voice.

"Ms Stokes." Randal Sharpe shook her, pulling her back into reality.

"Randal?" She muttered. The actor helped her up. "What happened?"

"You fainted."

"I did?" Ashan felt a little dizzy. She took a glance around her. The guests closest to the severed head stood some feet away, trying their best not to look at the head. Servants were hurrying closer, pushing through the guests who stood by, trying to get a better view of the head.

"Make way." One shouted, coming from behind Ashan. Lord Gallard came in the servant's wake, dressed in his golden surcoat. Up close, he did not look as grand. His hair was blond, but faint strains of silver became visible. The lord tried to hide some of his wrinkles, but not even make-up could hide his age.

"By the Creator!" The lord exclaimed. "What creature could do something this... This..."

"Barbaric?" Siegfried Mastercraft commented. The Dwarf appeared next to Ashan.

"Yes... Yes, Barbaric." Lord Gallard finished.

"Are you all right?" Siegfried whispered to Ashan. Still dazed, Ashan nodded. Am I? "Good..." Siegfried stepped forward. "Lord Gallard. I think it is time to end the day... Nights?... Festivities. Send your guests to their rooms. I think it best we speak about this most unfortunate event... In private..."

Lord Gallard looked at the dwarf. "You..." He wanted to say something else, Ashan knew. There was a tone of anger in his voice. Lord Gallard looked at his guests, then smiled. "Are right." He finished. He clapped his hands together and spoke louder so everyone could hear him. "My esteemed guests... There has been a murder!"

Siegfried placed his hand on his forehead, shaking his head. Foolish lord! Ashan imagined him saying.

"You know that there is only one rule onboard by ship: NO KILLING! I assure you, we will find this killer and bring him... Or her... TO JUSTICE!" Lord Gallard looked towards the head. He visibly became sick, but he managed to compose himself. He continued calmly, "Sadly, we must end tonight's festivities. A servant will show you to your rooms. Don't you worry. This unfortunate event will not hamper our journey. All activities will resume in one hour!"

There was an uncertain cheer from the guests.

"How will he play this off?" Randal whispered.

Before Ashan could answer, a servant pulled her away. "This way, please." She said, with a never-fading smile.

As the servant pulled Ashan through the crowd, she looked back, scanning the masses for Randal. But, unfortunately, he was nowhere to be found.


The Grand Hall was eerily quiet without the other guests. Siegfried studied those who remained. There were armed guards dressed in black armour. Shadow Force. Before leaving Sanctuary, Siegfried had spotted the infamous group planet side as well. Their presence made him feel uneasy. He still remembered their origins. Other servants cleaned up the platters filled with uneaten food and spilt drinks.

Near the stage, a door opened, and two more servants were ushered into the Grand Hall. Two Shadow Force soldiers flanked them. One, a man, wore a white coat. A Cook. The other, a woman, wore only her underwear. She used a blanket to cover herself.

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