Page 4 - Another Family

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Black Clover - The Three Brothers


"Luck, you little bastard! That's the last pudding you steal from me in your life!"
"Not likely!"

"You're as cute as an angel. As always, Marie."

"Went a bit overboard with the drinking, major headache..."

"Buffet eating noises"


"Guess the rumors weren't all that exaggerated after all." Blake tried to joke as he looked at the scene unfolding before him. There was attempted murder, food genocide, a smokey man, an almost naked lady on the couch, and a guy talking to a mirror.

Asta took a step forward. "First impressions are everything."


"That pudding was delicious, buy more of them for me!"
"It wasn't yours to begin with, asshole!"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP! What if my little sister hears your vulgar crap?!"

"Intense buffet eating noises"

"I got into a contest with some...weird old dude...? How long have I been out?"

Ah, I've been ignored. Asta's face froze to a blank smile.

"Here, try again." Blake creates a small microphone of Communication Magic in front of Asta.

Asta nodded, "Oh, thanks!" clearing his throat.

Here it comes... Blake covers his ears. Taking it as a sign, Yami, Finral, and Gordon do the same.


Asta's vocals reverberate throughout the room area. Everyone dropped what they were doing as they covered their ears to prevent them from bursting like the wine bottle on the table.

"What the hell was that?!" The one with the black and purple mohawk shouted.

"Haha, my eardrums are ringing..." Said the blonde-haired boy

"Fuck fuck fuck, that just made my hangover 100 times worse!" The woman in nothing but her bra and underwear muttered, covering her head with a pillow to drown out the sound and light.

The man with bangs stared horrified at the mirror that now lay shattered before him. "No! I've lost communication with my darling Marie! WHO DID THAT? I'LL KILL THEM!" 

"Agh! I messed up!" Asta jumped back and hid behind Blake in fear.

"Don't worry bout it, Asta, that was my bad. I should've known." Blake comforted. "Ow! Ow! Ow! Okay, I get it birdie!" He said in response to getting pecked hard by Anti-bird that followed him from the Magic exams. He couldn't figure out why, but he didn't mind. 

"All of you, quit your yapping already." Yami spoke, bringing a dead calm over the area, everyone freezing in place at the sound of his voice.

Before they suddenly bombarded the Black Bulls captain with affection, in their own ways.

"MISTER YAMI SIR! Welcome back, boss!" 

"Captain, try this! It's so yummy!" 

"Captain, fight me today! Come on! Pretty please with Magna's pudding on top?" 

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