Page 7 - An Electrifying Brawl

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Black Clover - The Three Brothers


Alright, this is gonna take a while.

Blake found Grey to be even more easily embarrassed than he assumed. Maybe it had to do with what he said last night. She could barely look at him and would hide herself in whatever she could find if anything looked at her. 

Blankets, underneath the bed, he had to pull her out from inside his desk drawer at one point.

How she even got herself to fit in there in such a short time is anyone's guess.

She even had a hard time speaking to Nero of all things, the bird makes one noise and she's off scampering to some corner of the room.

"Man, Nero, you really need to learn to be more approachable. You're small but very intimidating."

The bird pokes him in the eye.

"Agh! Case in point..." Blake grumbled, rubbing his irritated eye. The bird is lucky it's cute.

"I-I-I-I'm sorry." Grey mumbled, her voice shaky as usual. She sat on the bed, knees tucked to her chest, holding one of Blake's pillows.

"No no no, don't apologize, it's fine!" Blake tried to soothe. "It's always rough at the start, but it'll get better!"

Grey looked unsure but nodded. "O-Okay."

It was still rather early into the morning, which was figured to be the best time to do this.

"So...confidence...confidence...confidence." Blake mumbled to himself as he went to pace around his room.

Her biggest problem is not being able to directly face people from the looks of it. So how can we work on that... The gears in his mind began to turn. 

He thought for a little longer, then it clicked.

"It's like strength training!" He palmed his fist on the realization.

"" She asked, confused.

"Think of it like this, you trying to talk to others as you are would be like me trying to...lift up the Black Bulls base! Jumping into something super difficult like that from the jump wouldn't work out too well. However, just as I would gradually build up to lifting stronger things time after time, you can gradually work your way to interacting with others without your shyness getting in the way!" Blake did his best in explaining. 

"I...I think I understand." She was speaking to the pillow she was holding more than to Blake.

"Soooo, hmm, hold on a minute." Blake went digging around in the boxes of junk that still occupied the room. "There was definitely one in...Aha!" He pulled out a handheld mirror. This'll work.

He blew and wiped the dust away off the old thing before approaching Grey with it. "Alrighty, Grey, I've got a mirror in my hand I'll put in front of me. I want you to look at it."

Grey did as she was asked. Sure enough, she looked in the mirror instead of Blake.

Blake didn't hear any whimpering or gasps of embarrassment. "So you can look at yourself just fine?"

"I...Y-Yes, that's okay."

"Alright!" Blake threw the mirror off to the side.

Grey yelped, hiding behind the pillow.

The Three Brothers | Black Clover x Male OC[Harem]Where stories live. Discover now