Page 5 - The Silver-Haired Girl

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Black Clover - The Three Brothers


Blake let out a long yawn as he awoke from his sleep. Rubbing his eyes, he opens them to see the anti-bird staring at him as it sat on his chest.

"Ah, morning birdie. I trust you kept my little bro safe from the dangers of the dark?"

The bird raised its wings high, signaling victory.

Blake smiled, petting the bird's head with his finger. The bird hummed in response. "Good to hear."

Blake rolled off the bed, casually hitting the floor before getting up and putting on the rest of his outfit. The bird accompanied him, resting on his head.

Hmm, how to start the day off. Get some physical training in? Practice my magic control? Scarf down some breakfast? Or should I do some chor—

Blake's thoughts were interrupted as he collided with a wall.

"Agh, what the hell?" Blake turns as he hears a similar sound to the left of him, it looks like Asta was a victim of this as well.

"Yo, newbies, how's it hanging?" Magna called out to us as he walked over, hands on his hips with a smile on his face.

"Magna, question!" Blake raises his hand.

Magna pointed at Blake. "Ask away!"

"Where the hell did these columns come from?!" Blake knocked angrily on the brick wall.

"Yeah, they weren't here last night!" Asta added.

Magna shrugged. "Yeah, that happens. This base of ours shifts around pretty much all the time."

"Seriously?!" Asta shouted.

"No wonder it looked like a mess on the outside." Blake mumbled to himself

The three boys began walking beside each other. "You'll get used to it after a little bit, all the main places pretty much stay the same," Magna explained. "Glad to see you two are early risers, time for you to take care of one of the chores."

Blake eyed him suspiciously. "I don't like how you said that."

Magna guided them to the base's basement and stopped in front of a large caged room that hosted plenty of scary-looking magical beasts.

"As the newbies of the Black Bulls, it shall be your problem—I MEAN AWESOME DUTY— to make sure these monsters are properly fed morning and evening! Otherwise, they might eat us..." Magna explained, then pointed over to the table where the slabs of meat and the tong were prepared.

"Alright, Asta, have at it!" Blake shoved his little brother towards the table.

"WHAT?! ME?!"

"Come on, it'll be fine. I'll be here as backup, alright?"

"W-Well, alright, if you say so." Asta picked up the tongs, grabbed a slab of meat, and slowly approached the cage of the beasts. "H-Here nice little beasties, eat up..."


One of the magical beasts chomped down on Asta, fitting him halfway into its massive mouth.

Asta flailed about as he screamed bloody murder. "HE'S GOT ME! HE'S GOT ME!"

Blake tried to pull Asta out. "You damn mutt! Hng, let him go! This meat's too tough!"

Magna belted out laughing at the display. "You guys are a riot together!"

The Three Brothers | Black Clover x Male OC[Harem]Where stories live. Discover now