Page 9 - It's a Date...and More

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Black Clover - The Three Brothers


By this point, the sun was beginning to set, the sky glazed orange and the street life began to quiet down.

"Well, today's been quite a doozy." Blake yawned.

"I wonder if any of our teammates would play these actions figures with me." Asta mumbled to himself.

"I'd put my bet on either Magna or Luck. Oh! Maybe Gordon."

Asta nodded. "Yeah, maybe."

"I'm disappointed we couldn't find anything for me." Noelle said, referring to being unable to purchase a magic item to help with her magic.

"Don't worry about it, Noelle. Here, let's go back sometime next week, a good friend of mine should be back in the market by then and she always has good products." Vanessa said.

Noelle nodded. "If you say so."

"We all finished?" Blake asked.

With everyone giving a nod, Blake opened another portal to their base. Asta and Noelle went through first.

"Now that I'm thinking about it, I should've picked up some more wine, my stock's gotten a little low. Aw well." Vanessa spoke to herself as she walked.

Blake looked contemplative for a moment but, almost impulsively, reached his hand out and held onto Vanessa's, who looked at him in surprise, but also curiosity.

"Then...let's stay out a little longer, you and me. I still owe you that drink, don't I?" Blake spoke, trying to come off confident, but his nervousness was somewhat visible.

Vanessa took in his offer for a second, before softly giggling. "Is this a date then?"

Blake mentally stumbled. Fuck, he needed to stop getting so flustered over this stuff. 

Inhaling a breath, he steeled himself. "Yeah, it's a date." He pointed a thumb at himself with a smile. "And wouldn't you know it, Miss Enoteca, it just so happened I got paid today. So let's go somewhere nice, my treat."

Vanessa hummed. "I definitely like the sound of that." She slipped her hand out of Blake's. "Let me just drop these bags off then, 'kay?"

Blake opened another portal. "Drop them in my room, we can head back there later for them."

"My, my. Aren't you a slick one?"

"What do you...Oh." Blake's gaze dug into the ground as the implication behind his words set in, becoming beet red.

Ah, that'll always be fun to see. Vanessa stepped inside, setting the bags on his desk across from the bed, stopping to see just how much stuff he actually bought for his siblings back home, bags filling up a corner of his room. He certainly doesn't hold back on showing affection.

Vanessa stepped back out, the portal closing after.

"Hey, what's taking you guys so long?" Asta asked popping his head out of the other portal.

"We're gonna stay out for a bit longer, we'll see you in a bit." Blake explained.

Asta nodded. "Okay, see ya!" He went back to the other side and Blake closed the portal.

He offered his hand to Vanessa. "Shall we go, then?"

The witch pulled his hand, and him by extension, closer to herself and placing it on her hip. "I prefer when you're a bit more forward."

The Three Brothers | Black Clover x Male OC[Harem]Where stories live. Discover now