Lol so funny

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Choose your birth month

January: I tripped over
February: I danced on
March: I kissed
April: I sat on
May: I punched
June: I kicked
July: I hugged
August: I killed
September: this is (a)
October: there is nothing like
November: I danced on
December: I sniffed
Now choose your favorite color of the rainbow.

Red: a flat surface
Orange: fresh tomatoes
Yellow: somebody stupid
Green: Harry styles
Indigo: a crashing plane
Violet: a laptop
All: a shoe
Your favorite number (1-10)
1: because I felt like it
2: because I am a potato
3: because I don't live on earth
4: because I like nothing
5: because I am not an adult
6: because I am the worst
7: because I'm actually sitting in a chair
9: because I hate the word 'bruh'
10: because I love the word bruh
Lol, mine was I killed Harry Styles because I am a potato. HAHA!!!!😋

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