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So.. Um my sister tagged me to do this so here goes nothin

Nickname: Rosie

Eye color: they never stick with one, but mostly brown and green with a little bit of every eye color mixed in

Hair color: boring/ brown

Random facts: I fangirl over bands way to much, fangirl over books too much, I show cattle and chickens in 4-H, I also enter some of my art in 4-H, I love singing, I play the clarinet and am in honors band at my middle school... I'm extremely weird, I'm an outcast and proud, I don't want a lot of friends that I barely get to hang out with, but I like my small little circle of friends that I get to see mostly everyday......... Yet we wonder why it's so small... And then we realize...

EVERYONE HATES US!!!!!!! And we're proud to say it.

I'm only gonna tag a few people cuz I'm lazy and tired so, yeah...






Aaaaaaaaannnnnd that's it, now if you'll excuse me I need to go eat a bag of chips and sleep because I eat when I'm bored and lonely...

🎶It's an emo life for us, it's the emo life for us, installed of treated we get tricked, instead of welcomed we get pushed into lockers, it's the emo life🎶

So yeah, other than my over obsession with wattpad and youtube, that's my life, hope you've enjoyed

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