The Massage, New helmet, Pesaana

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Alina POV

We all gather around in the cave Crazy said "We've decoded the intel from the First Order spy..." He lowers his head a bit "...and it confirms the worst" He motions around "Mostly for the ones here that knows it" Crazy nods to Poe who shake his head and sighs he said "Somehow Palpatine returned" That made everyone murmuring and the Clones look shocked.

Rey and I look to Leia who moves her gaze Rose said "Wait" I look to her "Do we believe this" Aftab said "It cannot be" We all look to him "The Emperor is dead" Beaumont said "Dark science" He raise his head "Cloning" He turn his head "Secrets only the Sith knew" I lower my gaze Poe said "He's been planning his revenge".

I look at Poe who turn his head "His followers have been building something for years" We all stare at him "The largest fleet the galaxy has ever known" He stares at us all "He calls it the Final Order" Rey and I look to one another "In 16 hours, attacks on all free worlds begin" Chewie groans and Fixer said "It's okay, buddy" Moving by a clone Yularen said "The Emperor and his fleet have been hiding in the Unknown Regions".

He takes a breath "On a world called Exegol" R2 chirps frantically shaking C-3PO said "Exegol does not appear on any star chart" I notice Rey had a look before whispering something in my ear "But legend describes it as the hidden world of the Sith" I nod, and she leaves Beaumont said "There were always whispers of his hunger to cheat death".

Poe said "So, Palpatine's been out there all this time" He turn his gaze "Pulling the strings" Shaking her head Leia said "Always" She stares at him "In the shadows" Everyone listens to Leia "From the very beginning" I hear Maz said "If we want to stop him, we must find him" I look to her "Must find Exegol" Then Rey ask "General" I turn to Rey who holds a book "Can I speak with you and Alina".

Rey took Leia and I our spot I ask "What's up, Rey" Rey said "I know how to get to Exegol" Leia said "Tell me" I look to Rey who said "Luke searched for it" She raise a hand "For a long time" Rey looks at the page "He nearly found it" I look at the book while Rey gets up "There are ciphers here I can't read".

She showed us the next page "But he said to get there, you need one of these" Rey flips the next page to reveal a wayfinder staring I said "That's a Sith wayfinder" I turn to Leia "They're compasses that lead the way to Exegol" Leia stares at us Rey said "To stop what we both know is coming..." She nods "...we need to finish what Luke started" I said "Find Exegol".

We stare at Leia "Find the Emperor" But Leia said "No" Confusing us Rey said "We don't want to go without your blessing, but we will" Leia raises her gaze to us nodding I said "We will" I move my gaze a bit Rey said "It's what you would do".

I took the hose off the Falcon putting it down Poe ask "So, you got her up and running" We look to see him I said "You were right before" I walk to him with Rey who said "I'm gonna pick up Luke's search for Exegol" Poe stares I said "We're gonna start where his trail went cold" We stop in front of him "The Forbidden Desert of Pasaana".

Walking forward Poe said "Yeah, I know" I notice Fixer and Chewie carrying a couple of crates "We're going with you" Poe pats our shoulders walking pass "Chewie, Fixer, either of you got that compressor fixed" Chewie grunts as Finn went pass us Fixer calls "That was the first thing we fixed as soon as the fire was out".

Finn looks at us Rey said "We need to go alone" But Finn said "Yeah" He lower his head a bit "Alone with friends" Staring at him Rey said "It's too dangerous, Finn" I notice C-3PO, Chewie, Fixer and Poe looking to us Finn said "We go together" Chewie grunts me and Rey stare at them BB-8 chirping C-3PO said "I wholeheartedly agree" Crossing his arms Fixer said "We're coming with you two".

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