Aftermath, Skywalker and Secura, Not Ready

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3rd POV

Rey and Alina look around breathing slowly they drop their lightsabers as Finn walks before he suddenly stops breathing Rey and Alina both collapse almost sensing them Finn said "No, Rey, Alina" Jannah and Fixer look to one another Finn breathes heavily while Rey and Alina both lie there not moving facing where the dark throne was.

Suddenly coming out of the hole slowly is Ben who grunts looking towards Rey and Alina he pants getting out of the hole and limps over towards them before collapsing Ben groans and starts to get up moving towards them again before collapsing again seeing their state Ben moves them closer to him seeing Rey and Alina not responding.

Ben looks around breathing trembling before looking back to them then remembers what they did to him, so he places hands on their stomachs and breathes deeply sending Force energy into them slowly Rey and Alina put their hands on his making Ben look to them.

Alina POV

I slowly raise my head looking at Ben for a moment before groaning as Rey sits up staring at him Rey said "Ben" I said "Welcome back" We breathe shakily and Rey kiss Ben and I smile at them knowing this would happen Ben chuckles but he collapse I sit up "Ben" Rey and I watch Ben begins to disappear I begin to frown watching him go I look to Rey who cries softly "Let's get out of here".

Rey nods we leave this place back to the surface towards Luke and Axel's fighters suddenly we hear a scream I look up to see a golden astromech falling I use the Force to stop it from falling and lower it on the ground the astromech beeps turning its head towards us "Hello" The droid beeps "I'm Alina and you are" The astromech beeps "R3 D3" R3 turn his head "Let's get out of here".

3rd POV

Meanwhile more pieces of the Star Destroyers falls to the surface and the clouds begin to part for the sun to come out Rey and Alina's fighters leave the pyramid Rey flips a switch above her and Alina press a button with R3 in the droid cockpit he beeps turning his head Finn said "There, look" Finn raise his com "Red Five and Arc Leader is in the air".

Lando, Fixer and Chewie look in the direction "Rey and Alina are alive" Seeing them Poe said "I see them" He smiles before taking his helmet off Finn said "People are rising up all over the galaxy" Poe pants looking around "Poe, we did it" Poe said "We did it" Poe and the Falcon joins Rey and Alina's along with the New Republic Fleet and everyone.

Meanwhile a Republic Cruiser flies pass a Star Destroyer that's falling passing the Cloud City of Bespin as two Republic Cruisers destroyed another Star Destroyer above Endor walking onto a hill is a couple of Ewoks looking to one another.

A Republic Cruiser hovers and another Star Destroyer crashes into the surface of Jakku while another Star Destroyer is destroyed, and the rubble disappears to reveal 500,000 Republic Cruisers, 700,000 transports, the planet Coruscant and the other planets the First Order thought got destroyed.

Meanwhile the Resistance and Clones made it back to base ships and fighters are landing Snap gets out hugs a Rebel celebrating BB-8 rolls forward going under a X-wing to meet with D-O who rolls to him BB-8 chirps D-O said "Happy" Finn pats Beaumont who smiles Finn smiles looking around Rose said "Chewie, Fixer" Chewie hugs Rose lifting her before putting her down for Rose to hug Fixer and he smiles.

Connix looks around before she felt a tap on her shoulder, she turns to see Crazy, and they hug tightly Connix smiles a tear fell her eyes and Crazy smiles they let go for Connix to kiss him and Crazy kiss back Finn glance around turning while Poe stops to see Zorii and Raccos looking towards him Poe nods to them Zorii and Raccos nods back.

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