Battle of Exegol

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Alina POV

Rey and I come out of hyperspace to see the Final Order fleet I press a button to activate my wings staring at it and lightning flashes I breathe slowly going down passing the Star Destroyers seeing them move we head down towards the surface seeing a upside down pyramid I flip a switch for the landing gear to come out and close the wings.

I landed on the surface turning the systems off I climb out meeting Rey and we walk forward under the pyramid looking around.

3rd POV

Meanwhile the Resistance flies through the nebula avoiding the roots Poe said "I know it's a rough ride..." He presses a few buttons "...but stay locked on Rey and Alina's course" R2 beeps as the cruiser moves through the nebula inside everyone is holding on tightly a Female Rebel notice the looks, she calls "Run it out boys" They did while Finn rides with a pilot going into hyperspace.

Meanwhile a Technion said "Clear run frequency" A Soldier raises his head he said "Captain, we have Resistance craft incoming" The captain walks by with two Sith Stormtroopers behind her the Captain said "Allegiant General..." She looks to the hologram of Pryde who said "Use ion cannons" Poe comes out of hyperspace with Crazy and the Resistance behind him opening their wings Crazy said "By the Force" Staring Poe said "Look at that fleet".

The gunners turn in the direction and fire towards them Poe notice "Damn it" Flipping a switch above him Crazy calls "Watch out for those shots" The fighters begin to split a B-wing got hit Poe said "Welcome to Exegol" Poe spins his X-wing while a Pilot went pass, he said "Watch your starboard, Wexley" Wexley went pass Snap who tilted his X-wing he said "Whoa".

Leaning forward Poe said "Get to their altitude" He flips a switch looking forward "They can't fire on us without hitting each other" He spins his X-wing avoiding the shots "Don't give up" Crazy and two pilots follow him "Help is coming" Yularen standing in the bridge of the Republic Cruiser he said "Cover fire" The gunners fire down.

Meanwhile Finn uses binoculars and zooms in on the tower Finn said "There it is" He lower the binocular and raise his com "Poe, I see it" The pilot looks to him "I've got a visual on the tower" The Clones and Resistance fly down.

Alina POV

We found a platform that begins to lower down the flashes reveal giant statues we look at them and the platform stops we walk forward breathing heavily seeing the lightning hit the ground in the distance showing more statues before we stop to see a machine not far from us me and Rey look to one another before walking through a gap.

3rd POV

Meanwhile the Resistance fly down passing the Star Destroyers as Tie fighters fly out of the hangars heading towards them noticing Snap said "Incoming Ties" Poe said "I see 'em" He moves his X-wing "I got you, Finn" Crazy with two clones fly forward he said "Here they come" The transport moves for Poe to fly pass firing at the Ties destroying one.

Crazy spins firing at two destroying them as Finn looks to Jannah he ask "You ready back there" Jannah said "Never been readier" The ship heads for the tower while an Officer said "They're targeting the navigation tower..." He stares at Griss " the fleet can't deploy" Pryde said "Then we won't use that tower" Griss turns to him "Switch over the source of the navigation signal to this ship".

He smirks "We'll guide the fleet out ourselves" Pryde turns around Griss and the Officer moves as the tower shuts down noticing a Clone said "The navigation tower has been deactivated" Lowering his arm Finn ask "What" Snap said "Those ships need that signal" He turn his head "It's gotta be coming from somewhere".

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