Chapter 1

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Kayla's P.O.V.

I woke up to a finger jabbing my rib-cage. "Lay-a. Wake up Laya."

"Gerard," I growled. I grabbed my pillow and put it over my head. "What time is it?"

"It's 1:30."


"No, PM. 1:30 PM."

I took the pillow off my face and saw Gerard right in my face, a huge grin spread ear to ear. I had a kickass hangover. "How much did I drink last night?"

"Too much for a 20 year old," he said in a fake scolding tone. "Not too much for a 21 year old though."

I realized today was going to be my 21st birthday. "Shit," I said. "Get me a cigarette." I gestured towards the box on my dresser.

"I'm all out."

"My fucking cigarette dumb ass!"

"You're in a good mood, huh?" he said as he walked to my box of cigarettes, grabbing one and the lighter beside it. I put the cigarette in my mouth and lit it. "You know, you should quit smoking. It isn't attractive when a lady smokes."

"Yeah?" I blow smoke in his face. "If I quit cigarettes, you gotta quit the sauce. I notice you've been hitting that a bit harder lately."

"Who's the one with the hangover here?"

"So if I go check the medicine cabinet, the Tylenol will be full?"


I faked getting up, and he jumped up and pushed me back in bed. "That's what I thought." I blew more smoke in his face with a smirk. "So, do we have a deal, old man?"

"I quit drinking, you quit smoking? You got it." He stuck his hand out and I shook it, then he pulled me out of bed. "And if I quit smoking, you quit drinking."

"Sounds good. So, why do you want me up so early on a Saturday?"

"Early my ass. We're going barhopping with Mikey."

"Cool. I'll get a shower after I finish this cigarette."

"No need." He took the cigarette out of my mouth and put it in his own. "Go ahead."

"Bitch," I said, shooing him out of my room before I stripped down, throwing the blouse I slept in in the basket of dirty clothes. I walked to the bathroom in nothing but a towel, checking my surroundings to make sure Gerard wasn't hiding behind a corner to attack me.

Once in the shower I wet my hair and squeezed my bottle of shampoo and the blue liquid piled in my hand. Coconut-scented, the best. I scrubbed my scalp, quietly singing Run to the Hills by Iron Maiden. I rinsed the shampoo out of my hair and began to squeeze the bottle of conditioner when right outside the bathroom door came Gerard's voice. "I love that song!"

"Dammit Gerard go away!" I listened for a reply.

Nothing. He was gone. I was finished washing, so I stepped out of the shower and dried off. "Shit," I said, realizing I forgot to bring clothes with me. I'm going to have to take a huge risk. I wrapped the towel around me and poked my head out the door. I stepped out into the hall, and tiptoed towards my room. I got to my door and put my hand on the knob when some sort of impact hit me and sent me to the floor, the large object on top of me.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't know you were naked." Gerard blushed as he stood up off me and walked away.

"What just happened?" I got up and opened my door, when I stepped in my cool room I began to shiver, so I quickly put on some clothes.

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