Chapter 6

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Gerard's P.O.V.

I woke up with that horrible feeling running from my stomach all the way up to my mouth. I leaned over the bed and grabbed the trash can. I puked my freaking guts out for the fifth time today. Kayla ran in and sat down beside me. I hadn't even noticed my hair was in my face until she brushed it back. She kept brushing my hair back. Every time I puked she did that. I guess she's just nice like that, huh? I feel just horrible about how shitty I am to her sometimes. I stopped puking. "Is it over?" she asked.
"I think so," I slowly put the can back on the floor. She pulled my chin towards her and wiped the puke off my lip with the rag. "Kayla?" I groaned.
"Yeah?" She held a cold compress to my head. I rested my hand on top of hers.
"Am I dying?"
She smiled. "Hardly. I'm sure it will pass. I'll be right back. Hold the cloth. Don't puke." I held the cloth as she let go of it. She grabbed the trash can and left. She came back a few moments later with the trash can cleaned out (which probably was not fun), a pack of cigarettes,a lighter and her phone. She dropped the can on the floor and laid down across the foot of my bed. I guess she planned on staying in here a while. She lit a cigarette and held it with the left corner of her lips as she messed around on her phone. It rang suddenly and she cursed. "It's my mom." She looked at it for a while before actually answering. "Hello?... Taking care of Gerard.... He's sick.... I think just a stomach bug or something.... Yeah I think he might have ralphed up an organ, anyway why'd you call?... I can't right now.... I can't just leave him like this!"
"What's wrong?"
She moved the phone away so her mom couldn't hear. "She wants me to come home for a while."
"Then go."
"I'm not leaving you here."
"I'll be fine."
"Since we got home, you've spent the whole time either barfing in a small trash can or clutching your stomach. And we've been home about four hours."
She rose the phone back to her ear. "Sorry mom.... Are you sure that's such a great idea?... I don't know if Gerard will be cool with that. And I don't think we have enough space.... I'm positive we'll know she's here mom.... No, that's not it, I love her.... Alright hold on."
"She wants Taylor to come spend a couple nights with us. Well, me mostly. She still doesn't quite trust you, but I guess she trusts me enough that it balances out."
"Okay, cool. Is your mom bringing her here or are you going to get her?"
"She wants me to- wait, you're cool with it?"
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"
"Oh, uh... I don't know. Cause you're sick?"
"Are you being sarcastic or sincerely asking me? If you're being sarcastic, you can just stop, I don't want to deal with this right now."
"Anyway, she wants me to go pick her up. If I need to I can ask her to bring her here and keep an eye on you. Or get Frank to go get her." I heard Kayla's mom yell "no" from the phone. "Shannon. Shannon can go get her."
"I'll be fine. Go get her."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. Go."
"Okay. Hold on." She stood up and looked around my room. " Your room is a mess." She found the pants I was wearing today when I picked her up from Ethan's and pulled my phone out of my pocket. She put it on the edge of the bed. "If you need anything, just call someone, okay?"
She raised her phone back to her ear. "Alright mom, I'm on the way. Love you.... Bye." She left the room and came back later in a faded brown leather jacket, light blue t shirt, and dark skinny jeans. She looked so beautiful. Is that bad? That's not a bad thing, right? "I'll be back as soon as I can." She leaned over the bed and hugged me and kissed my cheek. "Promise you won't die?" She was really close and I felt her breath and she looked so gorgeous and I couldn't talk and holy shit I'm not breathing.
She smiled and I coughed really hard. "Are you okay? Maybe I should stay." She backed up. Dammit. Wait, why dammit? Why did I cough? What the fuck is going on?
"No. No, I'm fine, go get your sister."
"Okay." She stood up and began to walk out. Without stopping, she swept my black and gray scarf off the floor. She wrapped it around her neck. "Bye, Gee." She looked so perfect in my scarf.
"Bye." She walked out.
I heard the front door slam shut and her car start. As soon as the engine faded, I wretched in the bucket.
About half an hour later I heard the someone walk in. Shit, an intruder. I sat up and reached for my phone slowly. I stopped when I heard Mikey announce himself. I laid back in bed.
He walked in. "What are you doing here?"
"Kayla called me and asked me to make sure you don't die while she's gone."
"Her words?"
"Her words."
"Is Shannon here?"
"No, she's at our house. I actually wanted to talk to you about her, if you feel up to it." He sat on my bed.
"Yeah, what's up?"
"I've been thinking," he stopped.
"Asking her..." he faded out again. He began breathing heavier and fidgeting.
"Well? Spit it out, dude."
"To marry me." He looked at me with frightened eyes.
"What are you so afraid of?"
"What are you so afraid of?" He looked offended.
"What are you talking about?"
"I'm talking about Kayla. You obviously have feelings for her."
"No I don't."
"Stop lying. Just do something."
"I did... kinda."
"Drunk sex doesn't count."
"How'd you find out about that?"
"Damn, that bitch can't keep secrets. Anyway, why don't you want to ask her?"
"I'm just scared. I already got the best ring I could possibly afford, but I don't know what to do with it. I mean, what if she says no?"
I grabbed my phone and texted Shannon.
"Hey, do you love my brother?"
A few seconds later she texted me back. "Yup <3"
"Do you really love him?"
"Of course I do. Why are you asking?"
"Just cause."
I put my phone back on the edge of my bed. "She'll say yes."
"How do you know?"
"Trust me dude. She will. If she doesn't, she's a liar. And needs to stop."
"Stop what?"
"That's not cool, man."
"Whatever. Just ask her. If she says yes, cool. If she says no, fuck her."
"I maybe shouldn't ask you about this."
"No, no you shouldn't."

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